Pocahontas County Veterans

Want to stay connected?

American Legion Post 50 - Barry Sharp - 304-799-4293 (Southern End)

American Legion Post 117 - Duke Fry - 1-304-591-1510 (Northern End)

Disabled American Veterans Post 35 - Sollie Workman - 304-653-4743

Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 4595 - Charles Shedd - Commander - 304 456-4586

Vietnam Veterans Association Post 1100- Norris Long - 304-799-6447

Pocahontas County Veterans Honor Corps - Rick Wooddell - 304-456-5416

Veterans Service Officer – Elkins – Michelle Weese – 1-304-637-0235

Veterans Service Officer – Lewisburg – Rick Culler – 1-304-647-7500