Marlinton PresbyterianLadies Aid Society
Nasturtium Sandwiches
Mrs. A. S. Rachal
1 dozen nasturtium blossoms
2 Tbsp. Mayonnaise dressing
Delicate white bread
Spread bread with mayonnaise and place each blossom overlapping the next halfway, to give substance to the filling.
Green Pepper Sandwiches
Mrs. Ethel Hiatt
Large sweet bell peppers
Well-seasoned mayonnaise
1 tsp. onion juice
Dry crisp lettuce
Thin slices of buttered bread
Remove seeds from peppers and chop fine.
Mix with mayonnaise and onion juice.
Spread on lettuce leaves and put between buttered bread.
Fruit Sandwiches
Mrs. Norman Price
Chopped almonds, apples and figs
Chop very small and spread between thin slices of graham or white bread.