Thursday, March 9, 1944
Our Army and Navy Boys
The family of Robert Shoemaker has been notified that he is missing in action during a bombing raid over Europe. Robert enlisted in the Air Corps, of the Army, about eight years ago, at the age of 18 years. He was married, his wife residing in New York. His mother, Mrs. William Shoemaker, resides in Marlinton, also two brothers, Joe and Paul Shoemaker.
Corporal Hoil P. Underwood, son of Mr. and Mrs. Penick W. Underwood, of Huntersville, was graduated from the gunnery department of the armored school…
Billy Evans who was employed at the Fish Hatchery before his recent induction into the Navy, has been assigned to the Marines, and is now stationed at Parris Island, South Carolina.
Frank R. Gibson, Seaman, First Class, son of Mr. and Mrs. Forest Gibson, is somewhere in the Pacific.
Bus Smith has gone to the Navy under a call from a Greenbrier County draft board.
McNeill – Dunbrack
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Dunbrack, of Marlinton, announce the marriage of their daughter, Annabelle Cath-ryn, to James William McNeill, on February 19, 1944, at Covington, Virginia…
The groom is the son of Prof. and Mrs. G. D. McNeill, of Buckeye…
Burks –Varela
Paul G. Burks and Miss Ruth P. Varela were united in marriage February 11, 1944 at Hillsboro… The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Varela, of Sunnyside, Pa.; the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Moses Burks, of Huttonsville.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Hill, of Lobelia, a daughter, named Phylis Jean.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Norman Page Friel, of Marlinton, a daughter.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Y. Jackson, of Marlinton, a son.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Lee H. Beverage, a daughter.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Friel, of Cloverlick, a daughter.
A successful grower of good sheep in a part of the country usually overrun with bears, gave me his recipe for growing them right, through overcoming the plague of internal parasites and the pest of bears, all in one dose.
The recipe was handed down to him by his father, who also was a successful grower of good sheep in a bear country.
The mixture is 25 pounds of salt, 5 pounds of sulphur, 2 1/2 pounds of tobacco dust and a half pound of blue stone. This farmer has a record of eight years in which he has lost no sheep from bears, although a bear was killed in his pasture. Although in the same period of time, his neighbors have lost sheep to bears almost every year and one neighbor had 35 head taken.
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The idea is that bears object to the smells of sulphur and maybe tobacco. That naturally brought up the question of the efficacy of a sulphur string put around a pasture field to keep bears away from sheep. The farmer said he had not tried that, for his sheep apparently needed no more protection than the salt-sulphur dosing they were getting. However, last summer, the ground hogs got to eating too strong on his cucumber patch. He sulphured good and strong a stretch of binder twine, and strung it around the patch. The ground hogs then quit using on his cucumbers.
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Mrs. Dan Beverage, who lives on the head of Stony Creek, has proved herself to be a successful trapper of foxes. So far this season, she has caught four – two reds and two grays. She baits with meat cracklins, and when she gets foxes to using at the bait, she sets a bunch of traps. Three of the foxes were caught at the same place. Another fox got in her trap, but he was able to pull out.
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E. H. Landis, of Stamping Creek, came in to tell me that a covey of thirteen ring neck pheasants using about his place. Also, he recently saw a fine buck deer and a two year old bear not far from his house.
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Dan Carpenter works in the sawmill on Stamping Creek. On the side he does a bit of trapping for fur skins. Some days ago he located the faint makings of a well used fox path between his home and the mill. He strung a line of traps in this path.
The other evening on his way home from work he went by to look about his traps. He had the extra good luck to find two fine red foxes caught within less than a hundred yards of each other.
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W. M. Perry was up from Renick one day last week. I inquired how well he was coming harvesting his crop of fox fur this season. He said he and a neighbor had taken nineteen foxes and one wild cat. The foxes were now down to about what his neighbor likes to save for seed, but there were still a few wild cats to be taken. In an area of not over three miles square, they had caught and killed fifteen gray foxes.
For the Last Time
Mrs. Smith: Mrs. Green’s husband didn’t leave her much when he died, did he?
Mrs. Jones: No, but he left her often when he was alive!
Poor Prospect
Father: So your new boyfriend is one of the big guns in industry?
Daughter: Sure, he’s been fired seven times that I know of.
Fourth Degree
Captain: So, you gave the prisoner the third degree, eh?
Officer: Sure. We beat him and sweated him and gave him the works.
Captain: What did he say?
Officer: He just rolled over and muttered, “Yes, dear, have it your own way.”
You’re Still Out
Mrs.: Didn’t I hear the clock strike three when you fell in over the door mat last night?
Mr.: Oh, no. You see, it started to strike eleven, but I stopped it so you wouldn’t be disturbed, dear.
Ended by Rationing
Mr. Blue: Son, did you have the car out last night?
Sonny Blue: Yes, Dad, I took some of the boys for a ride.
Mr. Blue: Well, tell the boys I found some of their lipstick!