Numbered photograph of Students at the Spruce Flats School 1923-24. The teacher was Bessie Taylor. Left to right: (1) Geraldine Sheets, (2) Freda Kisamore, (3) Eva Cloonan, (4) Mitchell Cloonan, (5) Edgar Moore, (6) Pinnie Cloonan, (7) Frank Fitzpatrick, (8) Gladys Sheets, (9) Woodsie Moore, (10) Asa Moore, (11) Orval Gabert, (12) Glenna Cloonan, (13) Grace Cloonan, (14) James Fitzpatrick, (15) Clarence Cloonan, (16) Edgar Fitzpatrick, (17) Carl Kisamore. Grace Moore was absent. The school was located 3 miles west of Marlinton, 1/2 mile from the Swago-Williams Road on an old road to West Union. School was built before 1903 and closed in 1939-40. (ID: PHP001851)
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