Snowshoe Mountain, the region’s largest ski area, kicked off the 2021/22 winter season Thanksgiving morning.
Several hundred skiers and snowboarders were on hand for the first laps of the season.
“It feels good to start the season off on the right foot,” said Snowshoe spokesperson Shawn Cassell. “We always aim to get open by Thanksgiving, but it all depends on the weather. This year we’re starting strong with about thirty acres of terrain here in the early going, and the forecast is looking good for us to be able to quickly expand terrain as we head into December.”
Snowshoe’s high elevation and state-of-the-art snowmaking system allow the resort to consistently be among the first ski areas to open in the region each year.
“It’s Thanksgiving and we’re thankful for our snowmaking team,” Cassell continued. “We’re making more snow than ever before thanks to the hard work of our crew, as well as the millions of dollars we’ve invested into our snowmaking technology and infrastructure in recent years.
“To put it into perspective – in ideal conditions, we could cover a football field in about 27 feet of snow in just 12 hours.”