Dear Editor:
What does the state of West Virginia want to be known for when it comes to its children?
Whenever I see a pregnant lady smoking, I find myself asking this question.
More than one in four women in our state smoke while pregnant. This is the highest pregnancy smoking rate in the nation and is about three times the national average. Many people, including me, have a hard time understanding why someone would do something that is intentionally hurting a child. West Virginia is known for many things, but being known for this is just a slap in the face.
There are several serious risks for babies if their mothers smoke while pregnant.
Preterm infant death, stillbirth, birth defects and behavioral and psychiatric disorders are just a few of these risks. Our children are the future so why would anyone want to set them up for failure?
West Virginia is the “wild and wonderful” state but the above information is far from “wonderful.”
Let’s work to change it. If you would like free help to quit tobacco, please call the WV Tobacco Quitline at 1-877-966-8784.
Jenny Friel, School Nurse
Member of the
Pocahontas County
Tobacco Prevention Coalition
Open Letter to David Warner, Republican candidate for Sheriff
Mr. Warner:
I picked up a flyer today, introducing you as candidate for the Republican nomination for sheriff.
You state that you are an NRA member, and a strong supporter of the second Amendment to our Constitution. I am sure many other voters in Pocahontas County in addition to myself would like you, and any other candidates for Sheriff, to publicly answer the following questions.
1. What is your position on the Constitutional Carry bill currently before the Legislature?
2. Are you familiar with a national organization called Oathkeepers, which describes itself as “a non-partisan association of current and formerly serving military, police, and first responders, who pledge to fulfill the oath all military and police take to “defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic.” That oath, mandated by Article VI of the Constitution itself, is to the Constitution, not to the politicians, and Oath Keepers declare that they will not obey unconstitutional orders, such as orders to disarm the American people, to conduct warrantless searches, or to detain Americans as “enemy combatants” in violation of their ancient right to jury trial.” Do you support these principles?
3. If a future Supreme Court rules that the Second Amendment does NOT refer to a right belonging to all individuals to keep and bear any type of arms for personal and community defense, will you support and enforce laws or orders which restrict that right?
Thank you in advance for your clear and definite responses.
John Leyzorek
Open letter to John Leyzorek:
Thank you for taking the time to read my flyer and responding.
1. My response to the new concealed weapons law up for vote is, I am all for it.
If you can buy a weapon, then you should be allowed to carry it. Having a gun is a real crime-stopper, especially in a county as big as Pocahontas where it might take police 15 to 30 minutes to get there. Having a gun makes a difference in a bad situation.
2. I have heard of Oath Keepers. They are an American Radical organization associated with the Anti- Government patriot movement. The anti-defamation league described them as “Heavily Armed Extremists.”
No, I do not agree with disarming the American people. I am a gun owner and without my guns, hunting season is over. This is a day that will never happen. Just a very sad and scary thought.
As for warrantless searches and enemy combatants, because of the world we live in today, a world of terrorism, law enforcement and our government need to do what it takes to keep our people safe from all threats, foreign and domestic.
3. As sheriff, I will be sworn in to enforce the law – the law as it reads today, not 200 years ago. And as your Sheriff, I will enforce all laws brought before me, fairly, justly and without prejudice.
David M. Warner