Thursday, June 6, 1918
The street lights have been turned on and it makes all the difference between light and darkness. A few more days and the house service will be ready. General manager Frank King has given the lines a thorough overhauling and the town got a bargain in the plant, and the town can expect first class service.
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Paul Golden lost his fine new sawmill by fire at Golden, Greenbrier county, last Wednesday night. The loss is several thousand dollars. In addition his big plant will be idle till the mill can be replaced.
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County Court was in special session on Tuesday. The contract for the concrete bridge at Frost was let to the Concrete Steel Bridge Company and the bridge across Rush Run at Buckeye was let to the Duncan Construction Company of Marlinton.
We are fighting a desperate enemy and a strong one. With a great water hole three thousand miles broad, there come disquieting thoughts of the possibility of an invasion. Anyway, we are only too glad to send our forces three thousand miles away to dispute every step that the enemy takes in this direction.
But what of England?
For four years the sound of guns has been wafted on every breeze that blew and that country has not yet been invaded. The English people have passed through all those years of hope and fear. It must have had its effect on the national character. Those people are banded together to repel any invasion and that country alone is more than a match for Germany. The timely and efficient aid of the American people to England forms the most glorious page in all history. Our help to France was like that of a father to a daughter, but our help to England was like one strong man coming to the side of another strong man and fighting with him shoulder to shoulder.
In Great Britain there are innumerable trained bodies of men of all ages who are ready to resist the invasion of that country if it is ever attempted by the Germans.
For the month of May, local weather observer S. L. Brown reports – the hottest was 84 on the 31st and the coldest 26 degrees on the 2nd. Killing frosts on the 2nd and 3rd. Rain, 4.38 inches… Over at Elkins, there was 5.87 inches of rain…
Lake Alderman was instantly killed Sunday evening when his automobile went over the bank of the Huntersville road near Kramer’s camp. Robert Landers and family and a Miss Ramsey were in the car, but they escaped with slight injury.
The car was owned and driven by young Alderman. He drove too near the edge and the car went over. It struck a tree and all the occupants were thrown out except the driver. The steering wheel caught him and the car turned over on him, killing his instantly. He was crushed about the head and chest. This accident was within a few paces from the place where a lady was fatally hurt a few years ago by a horse backing over the road.
Lake Alderman was 19 years old, a son of the late Noah and Mrs. Aleina Alderman. Burial at the Beaver Creek graveyard, the services being conducted by Rev. Price McNeil.
Our gardens are looking fine, and we are very proud of them. Now if the bugs don’t take them from us. Sergeant W.L. Kyle writes from somewhere in France. He says it is a beautiful country over there.
Every body is enjoying the Greenbrier River now. The water is fine for bathing.
We are glad to say that all five of the typhoid fever patients in W. B. Freeman’s family are getting along nicely.
W. Lee Wilmoth started for the state Capitol Monday to attend court.
Jason Simmons made a flying trip to Bridgewater last week. He was accompanied by J. Ophie Varner.
W. H. Taylor has rented the Lunsford farm and is doing quite a lot of farming.
B. B. Beard was in our neighborhood listing our property and money.
Complaint was made at Council meeting that cars running with mufflers cut out and too great speed disturb hospital patients. Also that all ordinances governing motor vehicles were continually violated. The Council with unanimity proceeded to resolve that tax methods on my part was hardly excusable and insisted that the ordinance be rigidly enforced.
This calls to mind something about the deep blue sea, etc. I am loth to call my neighbors and friends to book and cause them trouble and expense. I also feel that we should hold out a hand of welcome to all from the outside who come among us and have them depart without harassment. Candidly though we have some who abuse privileges and menace the comfort and safety of those who have a decent respect for other’s rights. Some through carelessness and thoughtlessness and to those I am addressing this in hopes that they will take thought and reform their course. I feel sure of their hearty cooperation. The road hog must take his due. Kindly remember the right in passing, always, especially at bad corners and curves. Keep to the right enough to always avoid a collision with a car going in the opposite direction. Give notice with your hand of your course…
If those who drive cars and are most interested in a proper observance of their rights as well as the rights of the poor devil afoot or traveling otherwise, would make a point of assisting the authorities in curbing recklessness, I feel that we would be soon free of complaints. I sincerely hope this will be sufficient warning and that I will be spared the unwelcome task of any harsh proceedings.
Very truly the public’s obedient servant.
J. W. Milligan, Mayor