Laura Dean Bennett
Staff Writer
The absolute highlight of my week was the acrylic painting class taught by Kristen LeCroy Friday evening at The DirtBean.
Kristen, whose day job is at the Community Wellness Center, was a great teacher and the artists made for a fun time.
A good time was had by all and some beautiful fox pantings materialized in what I thought was record time.
I knew the minute I saw the flyer advertising a class – the subject of which was going to be a painting of a fox – that I wanted to go.
I am crazy about dogs (especially Golden Retrievers), horses and foxes. Actually, I’m crazy about all kinds of animals, and birds, too.
Years ago, when I first set foot on the place I now call home, I took it as an especially good sign that I saw a red fox slinking along the forest floor as I first looked out of the kitchen window.
So I named the place, Fox Hollow.
I’ve been toying with the idea of taking a painting class for some time now, but I always seem to have some excuse about being “too busy” to do it.
Truth be told, I was probably more intimidated than busy.
But not this time!
The fact that I would, potentially, end up with a picture of a fox, “suitable for framing,” got me to sign up.
And all I can say is, everyone should do it.
Get out of your comfort zone and have a little fun.
There are so many opportunities to take art classes here in Pocahontas County – oil, acrylic, watercolor painting or sculpture.
We’ve got it all.
And you might even end up with a really nice picture, “suitable for framing” and hanging in a place of honor.