Celebrating Black History Month
On October 23, 1996 Rev. Sanford Boggs and local photographer Doug Chadwick visited Wilson Chapel at Brownsburg near Marlinton. It was on that trip that this photograph was taken as Rev. Boggs visited the sanctuary of his old home church.
Born in Pocahontas County June 25, 1908, he was the son of William Madison Boggs, Sr. and Mabel C. Wheeler Boggs. His brother, the Reverend Carl Edward Boggs, served Pleasant Green Church on Seebert Lane during the years of World War II. He then was pastor at the Macedonia Baptist Church in Brownsburg which was founded and served by their grandfather, Reverend William Madison Boggs.
In the early 1960s, Sanford Boggs was licensed to preach in the Methodist Church. He served at Pleasant Green Church on Seebert Lane and Wilson Chapel at Brownsburg, and held midweek services at Denmar. He pastored county churches for 22 years and retired at the age of 87.
The Reverend Sanford Boggs passed away January 3, 2005 at the age of 96. He is buried at the Brownsburg Cemetery alongside his wife, Lutica.
(The Douglas B. Chadwick Collection, Courtesy of Deborah Clearman; ID: PHP010110)
“The Douglas B. Chadwick Collection” has been donated to Preserving Pocahontas and items are being added to the on-line digital library as they are inventoried and digitized. We thank Deborah Clearman and The Chadwick Estate for gifting Doug’s local work so that his legacy may be preserved.
Access the “Preserving Pocahontas” Digital Library at www.pocahontaspreservation.org or www.preservingpocahontas.org
If you have historical records or photographs to be scanned for the county Historical Archive contact Preservation Officer B. J. Gudmundsson at 304-799-3989 or email info@pocahontaspreservation.org Prints of photographs are available.