Clarence E. Flynn and Edith Marie Arbogast on their wedding day, September 9, 1914, in Arbovale, W.Va. Clarence was the son of Miles W. and Della Whitecotton Flynn. Edith was the daughter of William David McLauren (Bud) and Clara Ervine Arbogast. C. E. Flynn was a life-long educator. He taught in the county schools, was Principal of Grafton High School, and in 1927 was elected by popular vote as Superintendent of Pocahontas County Schools. He served for 10 years, had 105 schools, and 184 teachers. He retired after being Principal of Circleville in 1952. The Flynns had two daughters. Evelyn married Homer Sutton and Ruth married June Riley. Clarence E. Flynn died April 19, 1956 as the result of a car wreck as he was returning home from a teachers’ banquet in Circleville. Edith Marie Flynn died January 28, 1966. They are both buried in Arbovale Cemetery. (Pocahontas County Historical Society Collection, ID: PHS004561)
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