Mr. Hoover and an unknown man are standing in front of the J. A. Hoover Clothing and Furnishings Store, located in the First National Bank Building on Main Street in Marlinton, W.Va. Children’s clothing, suspenders, shoes and boots can be seen on display in the front window. Mr. Hoover is leaning on a display of men’s shirt collars and a box of hats is in the open doorway. Signage visible: Post Office on 1st floor; Dentist office on 2nd floor. (Photo Courtesy of Rebecca Sheets O’Brien, ID: PHP001356)
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If you have photographs or documents to be scanned for the county Historical Archive contact Preservation Officer B.J. Gudmundsson at 304-799-3989 or email info@pocahontaspreservation.org Prints of photographs from the archives are available.