Pocahontas County Archery competed in the Peterstown/James Monroe Invitational Archery Tournament at James Monroe High School in Linside last weekend where the Marlinton Elementary and Pocahontas County High School teams came in first in total score, and Marlinton Middle School archer Makenna McKenney was named top female shooter of the entire tournament with her score of 286.
Marlinton Elementary School placed first in its division with a score of 2,788.
In individual competition, Ronnie Simmons placed first; Riley Pollack, second; Eden Smith, fourth; and Jacobi Hannah-Teter, fifth.

Marlinton Middle School placed third as a team with a score of 3,223.
In individual competition, Makenna McKenney came in first; Jersey Simmons placed second; and Macaden Taylor took the fourth place spot.

Archers from Pocahontas County High School came in first as a team with a score of 3,289.
Individuals gaining recognition were: T. D. Sparks, who placed first; Bill Hardesty, fourth; and Ally Lane, fifth.