If you are a resident of Marlinton or a citizen of Pocahontas County, you already know we live in a special place.
Here are a few simple facts to share with others, as you have the opportunity.
Marlinton is the first permanent English settlement west of the Alleghenies. Marlinton is older than the county and the county is older than the state. Pocahontas County is nearly 1,000 square miles and has fewer than 9,000 people.
By comparison, Hong Kong is 40 square miles and has about 25 million people. The population of the entire state of West Virginia is less than two million.
Marlinton has the only three traffic lights within that 1,000 square miles. Pocahontas County is the birthplace of eight rivers.
This past Sunday was Palm Sunday, beginning the most Holy Week in history. A week that changed the world. Maundy Thursday and Good Friday will be followed by Sunrise Services and regular service on Easter Sunday, commemorating the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. An opportune time to attend the church of your choice.
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We would like to know what you think.
Watch for the holiday snow-flakes to come down. When the last snow is past, gravel on streets will be cleaned up. The second week in April begins spring cleanup and volunteers are welcome to pick up trash along highways coming into town from each direction, particularly on US 219 in the Riverside area.