Food for Thought
Marlinton is a member of The West Virginia Municipal League.
The WVML mission statement declares: “Strong Cities make a Strong State.”
Steps that strengthen our Town will ultimately strengthen our State.
Working to this end, we the people become the beneficiaries of both a vibrant city and State.
Worth Considering
America’s founders did not intend a separation of God and state, as shown by the fact that all 50 states acknowledge God in their state constitutions, mostly in their preambles.
Just think, 100-years-ago, Hazel Sherbs was only two years old. May God continue to bless her. She gives us all hope.
On March 4, 1918, the Marlinton Town Council held its regular meeting. The following invoices, among others, were allowed and ordered paid: Western Union for a telegraph $1.23, John Wallow (not sure of last name) for labor on Municipal water plant $26.25 and Harrison Evans was paid $3.75 for labor at water plant. In other business, “be it ordained, it shall be unlawful, for any person under the age of eighteen, to be found loitering in any pool room, billiard hall, or restaurant, where pool or billiard tables are located. Persons found in offence will be fined not less than one dollar or more than two dollars.
Mayor’s report to council for the month of February
The Mayor’s Corner and this report are my own fault for having started them in the first place. However, in February the town crew continued to work on repairing cold weather problems. Plowing snow is always an imperfect business, followed by complaints of gravel in a yard or sod turned over somewhere. These repairs are on-going.
Rick Malcomb requested a street light at First Avenue. That will be on the April agenda.
Other issues involved water, sewer, trash, potholes and barking dogs, and other things are always present and find ways to get into any voids between the work I will now reference.
Meetings during February included discussions with the School Superintendent and a Board Member; Workforce WV rep to discuss youth programs and training; Marlinton Planning Commission for on-going comprehensive plan; Vacant Lot Committee and the design team. I have been a part of conducting interviews for municipal judge and part-time law enforcement officer. Also, as Chairman, I have attended to board work regarding County Community Criminal Justice Board, including applicant screening and interviews for a new hire. I also attended Pocahontas County Senior Citizens Board meetings as well as County Commission meetings and communicated with the US Forest Service on various projects and various other grant application opportunities. I attended the monthly Bicentennial Committee meeting and sat in on an IMBA conference call meeting, working toward a Ride-Center destination certification.
I continue on-going conversations, emails, and meeting with an independent county group interested in economic possibilities that can be introduced for consideration, through the proper channels for economic development.
The town advertised for Bids on Water Plant repairs and replacements. The Pre-Bid Meeting is scheduled for March 7.
I have contacted Mr. [Jamie] Rossi, the DOH District Engineer concerning issues on Fourth Avenue, but I have not received a response from him.
Residents may have noticed that the baskets on the lamp posts on Main Street have been taken down and have been delivered to the nursery for repotting of summer plants.
FYI: At some point in the near future, the Town’s garbage truck will have to be replaced. I routinely visit a GovDeals website looking for such a vehicle.