I recently read an article about many of Seattle’s homeless population who wear electronic beacons. The signal from the devise tells their stories to passersby. With the GiveSafe app on a smartphone, people walking the streets of Seattle can read the stories of homeless people they pass by. If they are inclined to help, that person can make a safe, cashless donation to help meet the person’s needs – groceries, bus fare, maybe a haircut. At first, I thought – you’re kidding!
But, the sad fact is, many times we want to help those less fortunate and are unable to do so. Limited funds may go to provide help to those with a lesser need, because they are the ones who ask. While others may be in more dire circumstances, but, for whatever reason, will not seek assistance.
Some who need help may find it hard to accept help.
The Town of Marlinton is in no position for electronic beacons. But, now I see the benefit.
Following the closing of FasChek, the Town of Marlinton and Pocahontas County Senior Citizens entered into an agreement to provide (FREE) transportation to Pocahontas IGA for all citizens of the Town. The service allowed municipal citizens to go to and/or from IGA, banks, and pharmacies, at no cost to them. It was not year-round, but was available during the coldest winter months. The first winter allowed for low numbers thinking people did not know about the program. The second winter the numbers were even lower. Most people complained that the service was only on Tuesday.
This winter, the program has not been implemented. No one has inquired.
For those who asked why – now you know.