When travelers don’t see “it,” the enjoyment of the destination or ride is not impacted, and they are likely to tell others about our area, which will entice some of those folks to visit, as well.
When “it” is seen, it lessens the special feeling a traveler would otherwise have for an area. Obviously, that person’s vacation travel promotion to friends and associates could be negatively affected.
The “it” I’m referring to is litter.
The problem of litter is of such great importance to a destination area such as ours, that “it” deserves a second week of attention.
With more and more emphasis on a recreation economy and the corresponding growth of visitor traffic to our area, the issue of litter and the steps to avoid its accumulation and/or remove it will have to be everyone’s job.
Everyone in the hospitality industry and associated vendors and services, as well as residents, must see that they do their part in keeping our county litter free. So much of our county’s future prosperity depends on it.
A walker on the Greenbrier River Trail reports being appalled by the amount of litter along the trail. She suggests walking with plastic grocery bags in your pocket and picking up the easier accessed litter.
What a difference that would make.
If each of us picked up a piece of litter each day, we would soon see a noticeable improvement in the landscape.
Better yet, if people would properly dispose of their litter, “it” would not be a problem at all.