April 22, 1965
Trout Season
Trout season opens this Saturday, April 24, at 5 a.m., limit 8 per day, with a limit of 5 from an impoundment, possession limit after the first day, 16, no size limit.
After this opening day, the trout season will continue the year ‘round, so this will be the last big fever-filled, get there or bust, clock-watching opening day. But the fishing fever will come with the spring weather, and the ramps as surely as the seasons come and go.
The senior class at Hillsboro High School is available in groups for clean-up jobs. The money earned in this capacity is used to defray expenses for the proposed trip to Washington, D. C.
The seniors have received this year’s Red Devil and are having quite good luck with the sale of the yearbook.
Janet Landis and Robert Wymer will represent the senior class at the May Day Carnival, to be held in the McNeel gymnasium early in May. Other Kings and Queens are Jenny Workman and Mont Copenhaver; Juniors; Dennis Kerns and Monna Thompson, Sophomores; Beverly Hill and Don Rose, Freshmen; Wanda Wymer and Wayne Hall, eighth grade; and Linda Hill and Donald McNeel, seventh grade.
Mrs. Gladys Waugh and Mrs. Kenneth Meeks took Mrs. Hazel Bessling to the C&O Hospital at Clifton Forge, Virginia.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Burns, Jr. and daughter, Anne, flew to Schenectady, New York, last Saturday to spend a week with the Rev. and Mrs. John Waggy and daughter, Carolyn.
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Moore and family, of Baltimore, Maryland, spent the Easter holidays with Mr. Moore’s sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Cain, also his brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Moore.
Mrs. Ardnt White, of Minnehaha Springs, is visiting her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Rex White and family at Lynchburg, Virginia.
Miss Sharla Gladwell, a student at Glenville State Teachers College, and Miss Carla Gladwell, a student at Charleston Beauty Academy, spent the Easter holidays with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Gladwell, at Buckeye.
Spending Easter Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Clawson Beverage and Junior, of Marlinton, were Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Beverage and children, of Buckeye, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Beverage and family, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Beverage, and sons, Miss Brenda Friel, and Edith VanReenen, all of Marlinton. Celebrating their birthday Easter Sunday were Junior Beverage, Brenda Friel and Mary Beverage.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Forrest McClure, Jr., of Cleveland, Ohio, a son.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. William Barker, of Droop, a son.
Andrew (Andy) Brooks, 52, of Dunmore; a member of Baxter Presbyterian Church. Burial in the Dunmore Cemetery.
Clyde Elihue Byrd, 67, of Cass and Huntersville; a son of the late Walter D. and Lora Ann Bowers Byrd. Burial in the Arbovale Cemetery
Mrs. Wilma Madeline Cosner (Boots), 35, of Benton, Pennsylvania; born in Dunmore, the daughter of Mrs. Hazel Arbogast Gum and the late Bernell Gum.
Burton E. Wilson, 87, formerly of Marlinton; burial in the Mountain View Park at Richwood.