Thursday, February 13, 1969
The ice went out Friday after being jammed a week between Buckeye and Seebert.
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In view of the wintry weather the past week – snow on Thursday, Saturday and Sunday, terribly high winds Sunday night with the temperature about 15 degrees and snowing – the groundhog’s reputation as a weather prognosticator was somewhat tarnished. The wooly worm is doing better. Its coloration called for cold both first and last with a short mild season in the middle. The thawing weather two weeks ago moved two wooly worms out, both with the same coloring. One was found by Sandra Woods and one by Miss Julia Price.
January Weather
Minimum temperature was minus 10 degrees on January 5.
Maximum temperature was 57 degrees on January 24.
Average high was 36.7 degrees.
Average low was 12.9 degrees.
Total snowfall for the month was 5.8 inches
Total snowfall from October 1, 1968 to February 1, 1969 is 31.6 inches.
Total snowfall from October 1, 1967 to February 1, 1969 was 54.5 inches.
Marlinton Fire Department
The Marlinton Volunteer Fire Department held its annual Fireman’s Banquet Monday night… The following officers were installed: Fred C. Burns, Jr., Chief; Tony Ricottilli, Asst. Chief; Kyle McCarty, Deputy Chief; Don Rogers, Captain; Tom Dunbrack, Lieutenant; Reed Wilfong, Lieutenant; Kenneth Faulknier, President; Johnnie Nelson, Vice President; Robert Mann, Secretary and Treasurer; Thomas Sharp, Chaplain. Executive Committee, Douglas Dunbrack and Paul Beverage.
Other members of the volunteer group are: Robert Barlow, Norman McKenney, Larry Lee Broce, Douglas Morrison, Billy Joe Broyles, Tom Morrison, Ellsworth Buck, Robert Paul Poage, Charles Calhoun, Tommy Campbell, William Sparks, William Clendenen, Kenney Underwood, Paul Gladwell, James VanReenen, Clarence Jack, Roger VanReenen, Ray Landis, Wayne Ware, Donnie McElwee, Walter Weiford.
1968 Fire Report
Total Fires, 42; Fires in Town, 13; Fires out of Town, 29. Number of man hours on fire calls, 1,488. Average man hours per fire, 35…
Grand Sweepstakes Winner
Mr. and Mrs. J. Moffett McNeel, Jr. were announced as the Grand Champion Sweepstakes winner of Region III, Farming for Better Living, at the annual round-up in Elkins Saturday…
This award, a Monongahela Power Company challenge award, is made to a farm family which already has been named a county and regional winner…
The farming story of the McNeels has been one of continuing success since enrolling in the FFBL program. In 1956 the McNeels were named county winner and in 1960 they won regional honors. At that time the farm was a partnership with his father and mother.
Last year’s farm operation included 78 beef cows, 90 ewes and 175 hogs raised for market…
The farmland is taken care of well. Sixty-eight tons of lime applied to the soil and 18 tons of fertilizer. The land has a yield of 1,920 bushels of corn for grain, 150 tons of corn silage, 1,830 bushels of small grain and 240 tons of hay. The ASCS also helped in planting 2,000 pine trees.
The McNeels are raising four children on their farm. All the children are active in 4-H and other youth groups and the parents are active community leaders. Mr. McNeel is the Farm Bureau president, a 4-H leader and active in church affairs.
Last year the family received blue ribbons for 4-H baby beef projects and Mr. McNeel received his 20-year award as a 4-H leader and a 20-year pin as a member of the Farm Bureau.
The McNeel’s children are: Donald, 16; Jacob, 13; Allan, 9; and Charles, 7 months…
Mrs. and Mrs. Clark Galford, of Marlinton, wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Janice, to Rev. Wallace Dorn, of Charleston, South Carolina.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Avery Hamrick, of Mill Point, a daughter, named Nancy Kay.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Roy, of Marlinton, a daughter, named Cindy Ann.
Mrs. Grace Shearer Surber, 64, of Charleston. Burial in Graceland Memorial Park.
Albert White, 66, of Los Angeles, California, a son of the late James N. and Ruth Barlow White. Burial in Los Angeles.