Laura Dean Bennett
Staff Writer
The Pocahontas County Commission met on August 21, and addressed a brief agenda.
Commissioners heard from Brian Aluise from Senator Joe Manchin’s office. Aluise is the senator’s new Regional Coordinator. He said he looks forward to being in the county often to relay the concerns of the citizens of Pocahontas County to the senator.
Commissioners signed a grant application which will be sent to the West Virginia Secretary of State under the Help America Vote Act. The 50 percent cost-share grant request for $134,553.84, if approved, will assist the county in the purchase of 40 new voting machines.
The commissioners also approved
• Pocahontas County Parks and Recreation’s request that its full-time employees be allowed to purchase health insurance policies under the Pocahontas County Commission Public Employees Insurance policy (PEIA)
• 2018 renewal of special risk accident insurance for Community Emergency Response Team volunteers at a total cost to the county of $235 for the year
• appointment of Janet Kershner-Vanover and Randy Wilfong to the Pocahontas County Fire Board for three-year terms ending June 30, 2021
• a change of the Tuesday, November 6, regularly scheduled County Commission meeting to Monday November 5, due to the election day holiday
The subject of government employee identification cards being issued to county employees was tabled for further study.
The next regularly scheduled meeting of the commission will be Tuesday, September 4, at 8:30 a.m. The public is invited to attend.