Thursday, April 27, 1972
Golden Horseshoe Winners
The four Golden Horseshoe winners in Pocahontas are:
Ronald D. Good, Green Bank Elementary.
Donald C. Gum, Green Bank Elementary.
Charles A. Wilfong, Green Bank Elementary.
Price Barlow, Marlinton Elementary.
These boys will go to Charleston May 5 to join students from other counties to be dubbed Knights of the Golden Horseshoe and be recognized by government officials.
Property Sales
Several pieces of property were sold last Saturday. Elvern Totten and James Lilly bought the Wimer farmland at Mill Point, Paul Burks bought the Cook property below Buckeye, and Ebb Green brought the Vaughan property in Marlinton.
Athletic Banquet
One hundred and forty-five athletes and boosters enjoyed an excellent meal and heard WVU Head Basketball Coach Sonny Moran make a very interesting talk at the annual All Sports Awards Banquet of the Pocahontas Athletic Boosters Club. WVU Assistant Basketball Coach Gary McPherson, formerly of Cass, was also present. John Hayslett, of Marlinton, a long-time booster of athletics, was given the “Booster of the Year” award.
Winners of the door prizes were as follows: Kenneth Wilfong, Timex wrist watch from Kane’s Stores; William Killinger, Westclox alarm clock from Durbin Mercantile; Don Moore, $2 cash from Plyer’s Gulf Station; Paul White, 5 gallons of gas from Sheets’ Garage; Gary Sharp, stereo tape from Trent’s Store; Joe Hamed, sports blanket from Western Auto; Ralph Smith, handbag from Langs’ Dress Shoppe; Mike Coleman, $5 cash from Hillside Apartments, Inc.; Cathy Johnson, box of candy from Pocahontas Pharmacy; David Eddy, Zebco rod and reel from C. J. Richardson; Kim Wilfong, tie from Harper’s Men’s Shop.
Burgess Oliver Dunbrack, 79, of Marlinton, a son of the late George and Harriett Rider Dunbrack; burial in Mountain View Cemetery.
Mrs. Effie Mae Walker, 62, of Marlinton, a daughter of the late Isaac and Rosa Reed Daugherty. Burial in the Brownsburg Cemetery.