The Town of Marlinton has been officially selected as an AmeriCorps VISTA Subsite, with the West Virginia Community Development Hub. The Town will soon be accepting applications for a Recreational Economy Coordinator (REC). The recruitment window begins March 28, 2022 and can extend up to six-months. However, we want to get the word out and hope to have the new position filled by early May. This will be the perfect opportunity for a motivated and mature individual who wants to start or move into a career in the field of tourism and recreational economy. The chosen candidate will be able to focus on projects, already laid out in a projects spreadsheet.
When the recruitment process opens, The Hub will post on various college job boards, the Hub’s website, and other AmeriCorps recruitment sites. This reference is to allow local residents (and family members) to be aware of this coming position. Interested parties can research VISTA online.
As mentioned in last week’s Mayor’s Corner, other awarded grants have made these efforts possible. They include a USDA Community Facilities Technical Assistance grant, awarded to Region 4 Planning and Development Council. With this funding, Region 4 PDC will hire a part-time coordinator to focus on preparing projects suitable for a community facilities application, for all 10 Mon-Forest Towns.