Thursday, September 23, 1971
Mrs. Blanche Sharp started to bake a pie Monday; upon breaking an egg – a relatively small one – she was surprised to find three yolks, each about the size of a marble. The egg came from the flock of chickens of Mr. and Mrs. Brown McComb.
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There is new hardtop on the approach road at the new high school and bright new guard rail all around. The Pocahontas Construction Company and Elvern Totten had this job, the Seebert road and Slaty Fork road. The Slaty Fork road job has received compliments as being one of the best topping jobs seen in a long time.
Governor Moore has announced that the Williams River Public Hunting and Fishing Area has been renamed the Handley Public Hunting and Fishing Area in honor of C. O. Handley, Sr., of Lewisburg, who retired in 1965 after many years of distinguished service with the department of Natural Resources.
New 4-H Agent
Robert Keller, a native of Ohio, was employed as County Extension Agent, 4-H Youth, during a meeting of the County Extension Committee held Monday, September 13, according to Fredric Smith, Committee Chairman.
Mr. Keller, who holds a B. S. Degree in Agricultural Education from Ohio State University and a Master’s Degree from West Virginia University, will be working as of October 1…
Mr. Keller has just completed a two year hitch in the Army and only recently returned from a tour of duty in Vietnam. He was an active 4-H Club member in Ohio where he won many honors with his livestock project work including a trip to National 4-H Club congress in Leadership.
The Kellers are in the process of moving and will be living at Minnehaha Springs.
Hill Reunion
The Richard Hill family reunion was held at Droop Mountain State Park on August 15. Rev. N. S. Hill, of Dunbar, conducted the devotion with scripture, comments and prayer. Rev. J. Calvin Lewis delivered the Memorial Address based on Home Church and Heaven. Flowers were placed for relatives deceased since the last reunion. Music was furnished by the Hill Reunion Singers.
The afternoon programs consisted of special music by Conrad Mann. A talk by Mrs. Bea Gladwell, West Virginia Teacher of the Year, on Love and Faith of Children.
Speaker for the afternoon was Mrs. Jane Price Sharp. She spoke on our Heritage and What It Means…
Prizes were awarded to the following:
Oldest Hill relative: Rev. N. S. Hill, of Dunbar, 91.
Youngest: Ryan Edward Pritt, two and one half month old son of Mr. and Mrs. Roger Pritt, of Droop.
Oldest married couple, Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Hill, of Hillsboro, 59 years.
Newlyweds, Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Hollandsworth, of Droop, 16 months.
Traveling farthest distance, Mrs. Harriet Hill McDonald and children, Tish, David and Logan, of Kellogg, Idaho, 2,700 miles.
Largest family present, Mrs. Lemma Hill Boggs, 7 children.
One dollar drawings were won by: Anita Rose, Connie Kershner, Catherine Frame, Thelma Paulin, Linda Sue Hill, Robert Simmons, Emmitt Hill, Johnnie Kinnison, Joe McMillion Beard and Clara Simmons…