Thursday, July 16, 1914
Cows now walk by night and use the electric lights to pick and choose the choicest vegetables.
The gardeners have become light sleepers and are practicing bouncing stones off of the hides of the trespassers and doing everything short of a felony to them. A country cow came into town a few nights ago with a bell on and went about murdering sleep right and left. This beast caused several tongues to be loosed in the stilly night. If baseball at night ever becomes popular some first rate night pitchers can be secured in this town. This thing of rolling out in the middle of the night and pelting a cow through the copperhead country with unprotected ankles, is one of the disadvantages of living here.
James Kline, working for the Spruce Lumber Company on Crooked Fork of Elk, unearthed a gun, which proved to be a right powered military rifle, of comparatively modern make. The name on the stock is Waffenfabrik, Berlin, M. 78. Though showing sign of having laid in the woods for years. After a thorough oiling and cleaning the gun is in almost perfect condition.
Last Thursday afternoon during a thunderstorm Wheeler Boblett, a well-known citizen, while driving a load of lumber to the station was struck by lightning at Lobelia and instantly killed. The team which he was driving became frightened and ran away, overturning the heavily loaded wagon and catching the horses under it, one of them being killed outright and the other so badly hurt that it died the next day. The lightning is said to have struck a house and following a telephone wire striking Mr. Boblett with deadly effect. The decreased leaves a wife and three children who have the sympathy of the entire community.
The Bank of Hillsboro was organized last Saturday with the following officers and board of directors: Geo. W. Callison, President; F.W. Ruckman, Vice-President; J. K. Marshall, Cashier; A. P. Edgar, Attorney.
The beautiful new Club House of the Allegheny Sportsman’s Association opened on July the first. Mrs. Herndon, who has been identified for the last three summers with the White Sulphur Springs as chaperone and hostess, and also with the Brighton Hotel, Washington, D. C., has been installed as manager to look after the comfort of the members, their wives and guests.
The Club House is fully equipped with every modern convenience dear to the heart of man, even when roughing it in the mountains. There is also a wonderful running pool, under cover with constantly running water. The fishing for bass has brought many fine fish to the table and a satisfaction to the men who have spent the day in the streams near the club, catching them.
One is greatly interested by the elk, sixty in number, grazing on the slopes in the enclosure near the club. In fact they are quite tame; not even interested in the automobiles that are constantly coming and going.
Geo. P. Edgar lost six, three year old cattle by lightning, Monday night on the Sabina E. McNeel farm on Stamping Creek. The cattle were all killed by one bolt. They were not all in a bunch but were along a wire fence.
Cameron Beverage, aged 12 years, killed a rattlesnake in his grandfather’s wheat field in Bath county last week. It was three feet long and had 18 rattles.
Loving Gilbert, seven year old son of H. L. Gilbert, lost a thumb and finger in a corn mill at the home of his grandparents in Buena Vista, Va, several weeks since.
Traffic on the Greenbrier was tied up Tuesday by an immense slide at mile post thirteen.
The Bank of Hillsboro has bought M. L. Isbell’s store building which they will occupy for a while.
C. H. Dilley is learning to run his car which he bought off Wilbur Clark.
Wheat is yielding fine. George W. Callison threshed 199 bushels off six acres of ground.
F. J. Darnell has bought “Billie” Thos. McNeel’s fast driving horse.
Good reports are being received from Marshall Fuller in Kansas. He likes the country fine and reports a very large wheat crop.
Frank Hayes has returned from Bolar, much improved in health.
James Cassell is going to build a new house near Greenbank. Dr. Wm. Geiger, contractor.
The railroad grading will reach the timber this week.
The big crowd of gypsies has all moved out.
If you want a good automobile ride you should try the lower end of the Laurel Run Road.
Floyd Jordan, son of H. M. Jordan, died last week in Elkins, aged 27 years. He was brought to Knapps Creek, and was buried there Friday the 3rd, in the presence of one of the largest sympathizing crowds every seen on Knapps Creek at a funeral.
Mrs. George Kerr, who has been on the sick list for sometime, we are glad to say, is able to be out again.
Charles Gum lost a very fine horse last week while working in the lumber woods.
The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Lake Clark, of Spruce, was buried n the Arbovale grave yard Monday.
Last reports from C. c. Arbogast, he was aroused from his peaceful slumber at the dead hur of midnight to perform a marriage ceremony.
G. L. Burt, of Port Alleghany, Pennsylvania, died at Spruce Monday, July 13, of heart disease, aged about 35 years. He was here to visit his sister, Mrs. Walter Moore.
Mike Mlokor, an Austrian, was killed on Elk by a falling tree, Monday.
The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ward Hudson, of Durbin, aged 10 years, died July 14, after an illness of four months of spinal affection.[sp]
Jacob Taylor died at Dunmore July 14, after a long illness of consumption, aged about 40 years. He was buried at Dunmore.
Roy Crummett, aged 50 years, died at the home of H. Lee White, on Sunday, of apoplexy after an illness of a few days. He was a native of Highland county, but for many years had been a resident of Knapps Creek. He was an industrious, sober, honest man. Burial at Sugar Grove.