Thursday, July 18, 1918
Contract for the erection of the brick building for the municipal light and water plant has been let to E. D. King at the price of $4,500.
John Waugh and George Duncan of the Duncan Construction Company, have returned from Middlebourne, Tyler county, where they have just finished a big concrete bridge. They have commenced work on the bridge across Rush Run at Buckeye, and they have another bridge contract in Fayette county.
Miss May Moore is in from the West for a month’s stay with friends and relatives. Her last trip home was in 1911. Last winter she taught in Alaska, and the coming session she expects to teach domestic science in a high school in the state of Washington. She says her brother, James Eric Moore, volunteered from Flagstaff, Arizona, and is now in France.
Mrs. Verdie B. Mann and her sister, Miss Alice Clark, were visitors at our office Tuesday morning. Mrs. Mann has recently returned from the Sinks Country at the head of Greenbrier River, where she taught a term of school. Mrs. Mann says the passing of airplanes is a daily occurrence.
Lieutenant J. Hunter McClintic has landed safely in England on his way to France with his regiment. He has written home that he is well, and likes the looks of things where he is.
At the West Virginia golf tournament held last week at Wheeling, the state championship was won by Forrest McNeill, of Clarksburg. The champion is a direct descendant of the ancient kings of Ulster, and is a native of Pocahontas county, having spent his boyhood days in Marlinton. He is a son of Rev. Asa Shin McNeill, who moved from this county to Braxton some years ago… He is a left handed player and we have never heard of a left-handed champion before…
This is a theme on the subject of prophets and things. Two barefooted men appeared in town last week and added to the interest in life.
They were made up to represent biblical characters and they must have been artistically correct for all the bible students with one accord pronounced them to be representations of the accepted appearances of St. Peter and John the Baptist. They wore neither shoes nor hats, and they had long flowing robes like the pictures of the holy men.
The children were interested. One little fellow of about five years came running around a corner all excited, and shouted to another boy: “Say, Billy, did you see which way Jesus went?”
In a recent interview had by our local coal man with District Representative Zimmerman of the Fuel Administration, he was advised that the West Virginia New River and Pocahontas coals are so essential to the movement of troop and food ships that it is absolutely necessary that the government have this coal. He states that it is the only coal that can be used through the war zone without making smoke to attract the enemy submarines. Then too, with this coal they get quicker movement of a vessel when in danger. The administration is sure when this is understood by our people they will be perfectly satisfied to use the Kanawha coal for both stead and domestic purposes. For the big job before us it to win the war.
Henry Blackhurst, of Cass, announces himself as a candidate for the Republican nomination for the House of Delegates. Mr. Blackhurst came to us years ago as a minister and has developed into a business man. However, he continues to be pastor of the Cass and Arbovale Methodist churches.
He is a man of scholarly attainment and oratorical ability. He has been interested in politics, and if elected to the legislature he will be a delegate of decided progressive tendencies. It is something new in Pocahontas for a preacher to seek political honors, but then it might be better for the politics if they would get into the game occasionally.
People generally are well. The crops looking fine. Farmers are busy in their harvest and wheat is good. Pastures are good and stock doing well.
Lamb buyers are scared for some reason.
We would like to see a little more work on the road for the money.
Sam Elliott is finishing a house for John R. Hevener. It is as good a one as the writer knows of in the county.
We are sorry to see the boys going to war, but all will be right by and by.
Big ice cream supper at Cloverlick Saturday night, July 20, for the benefit of the church. Come and bring a cake.
Give us Lock McClintic for Judge, Allan Edgar for Prosecuting Attorney and Dr. Hannah for County Commissioner.
As to raising the teachers’ salaries, we think they are a little too high now for what we get in return. Let them raise the standard and we will put up the money. Our children need education, but are they getting it?
George Williams is operating his threshing machine in this neighborhood. Wheat seems to be a fair crop in this section.
I.B. Shrader was at Marlinton Friday to see his father who is in the Marlinton Hospital seriously hurt by a runaway team.
Give us G. D. McNeill for county Superintendent of Free Schools and let the other man have a rest.
Mrs. Ervine Shafer and children have returned from a three week’s visit with relatives in Friendsville, Md.
Misses Margaret and Agnes Price, two charming young ladies of Marlinton, were visiting Miss Eolyn Graham last week.
The Radcliff Chautauqua will be in Cass Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Their programme is patriotic from beginning to end. One day especially for Red Cross workers. The Government is doing all they can for Chautauqua this year, for it is through them that the American public is becoming awake to the seriousness of the Great War. Their motto is, Keep the home fires burning.
Editor Times:
I acknowledge receipt of your good paper, sent from home, and from the columns of which I obtained some interesting news. The soldier boys from Pocahontas are contributing some newsy letters, and as I am a product of the same county I do not desire to be placed upon the delinquent list. Have been in the service near three months and at this time would like a small space in my home county paper.
I imagine the readers of the Times grow tired of gazing upon page after page of war talk, but in my opinion it is good for home folks to be in touch with the various activities around the army cantonments, and especially when they have relatives in active service. From the standpoint of a soldier I would like to say that it is a pleasure to get a copy of the home paper or a letter from friends giving an account of what is going on. There are five West Virginia fellows in my company and most every day one of us gets a West Virginia paper and believe me we search thru each for all the news that pertains to us or any of our ancestors.
There are many things that I would like to tell you but will have to convey them to you thru some other medium aside from the columns of your paper. Every man who has been in Uncle Sam’s possession three months has learned to keep quiet upon subjects which pertain to army regulations except a few squad movements such as squad right and squad left and to the rear march…
An army cantonment reminds me of a lumber camp, except you do not have the privileges of a lumber camp in the army. If you do not like your job, you can kick a little to yourself, but in a lumber camp if you do not like the way things are going, the same road that took you to it will bring you away. In the army, it’s different…
The eats are excellent ever since I have been here. Some complain about being hungry, but that can be attributed to not being on time. Then you’re told that you are out of luck. There are no excuses in the army game…
After all is said, the army would not be bad at all if it were not for the “darn” drilling between meals.
Sgt. J. S. Kellison
1ST Company L54th, Depot Brigade
Camp Meade, MD.