The only other reasonable hypothesis is that the man who cut that tree down stood on something.
He did.
He stood on the snow. We had the plate made to take the pep out of some of the weather sharps who think this was the prize winter.
In the winter of 1857, snow fell and accumulated to the depth of about 18 feet. A great many trees had to be cut for fires and to browse the cattle. A good many sugar camps were sacrificed. When the snow melted, the stumps were left as much as twenty feet above the ground. We remember a lot of these stumps at the mouth of Stony Creek above town where a sugar camp was destroyed to feed the cattle.
The stump in the picture stands on the Aaron Moore farm. The boy is Scout Hubert Slaven. Ed. C. Moore took the picture.
Thursday, February 28, 1918
God give us men! A time like this demands
Strong minds, great hearts, true faith, and ready hands;
Men whom the spoils of office cannot buy;
Men who possess opinion and a will;
Men who have honour – men who will not lie;
Men who can stand before a demagogue,
and damn his treacherous flatteries without winking. – J. G. Holland
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Washington in his Fare-well Address warned the country against excess of party zeal. He warned it against the danger of political parties whose leaders would not allow an election to settle an issue. He recognized the fact that political parties would be in existence in a democracy, but to carry party spirit to the limit was playing with a fire that could never be extinguished, and which must be kept down, so that a fire that was meant to warm, might not be turned into a fire that consumes.
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Monday came the night of the big wind. There was thunder and lightning. Sheets on the clothes lines were whipped to ribbons. Barns were unroofed and trees blown down. A bright moon was shining part of the time and the forest trees bending and lashing about made a wild scene.
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L. O. Simmons will buy your swarm of Italian bees and will pay from $3.50 to $5.00 in May or June, $2.00 to $3.50 in July. He will furnish new hives.
The postoffice department has authorized the establishment of free delivery mail in the town of Marlinton, commencing with the first day of April. Two carriers have been provided for.
The territory to be served is from the Bird Addition to the lower end of Camden Avenue, including the houses west of the bridge, and to the house of W. J. Killingsworth on the Hunt-ersville road, and Capt. Smith on 10th Avenue. Letter boxes will be put up at the following places: in front of the courthouse; at the depot; at the junction of Main Street and Camden Avenue; in front of the People’s Store & Supply Co., west of the river; in front of the Tannery Office; and at the junction of 11th Street and Camden Avenue, six in all.
Letters will be collected twice a day. Once in the forenoon in time for the up train and once in the afternoon in time for the down train…
It is estimated that there are 334 houses to deliver mail to on the two routes. Riverside and Campbelltown will continue to be served by the rural carrier as heretofore…
“Why Don’t You Do Something to Make It Even Better” –
The above was addressed to a subscriber who had praised this paper. This is the question we should ask ourselves – why don’t we all do what we can to make everything with which we come in contact better? Beginning at home – where we may be sure we can make things better – we can lend a helping hand as well as influence; a smile and a kind word costs us nothing but the effort, and it is always valued beyond worth. If you don’t like the way your Country and your State, your County and your Town are being run, ask yourself – am I doing anything to make it better? It is the people – you and I – who are responsible for conditions. Then don’t be a slacker – do something to make things better. X
Feed is very scarce in this section. One of our neighbors has 22 stacks of hay, but he is afraid to sell it.
Jake Lightner lost two fine calves last week with blackleg.
Most of the boys in this part of West Virginia are expecting to start after the Kaiser pretty soon.
Estil Sharp had the misfortune the other day while logging to get his horse in a snowdrift and had to get a block and tackle of C. E. Marshall’s to pull the horse out.
Forrest Marshall purchased a fine saddle horse to carry the mail from Mingo to Cloverlick.
The Brady school had a spelling match Saturday night.
The snow is about all gone except where it is drifted.
Stock is looking well, but feed is getting very scarce.
Gladys and Dare Sharp were visiting their aunt, Mrs. Mary Fertig, recently.
J. W. Grimes made a trip to Dunmore mill last week.
George A. Fertig, who fractured his arm by falling from a ladder some time ago, is able to use it again.
Our school is progressing nicely under the management of W. R. Sutton. Give us more of our old teachers; they do excellent work.
P. P. Harding, our leading merchant, is doing a rushing business regardless of the high cost of groceries.
Dr. Geiger has been successful in getting Sam Moore’s heavy horse on foot again.
The winter is about to break and is leaving us lots of mud.
Farmers are getting ready to make sugar.
Jane Fleming is poorly this winter.
John Moss is able to be out again after a long illness.
Davis Auldridge, Bruno Morrison and John Miller are working at a pin mill at Cloverlick.
Jim Sparks lost a fine horse.
The snow was 18 inches deep on Gauley Mountain.
A good many people in this neighborhood are talking of going to a warmer climate before another winter.
Sugar making is the order of the day.
Sam Beale is going to make sugar at G. D. Brady’s camp. If hard freezing has anything to do with a good sugar year, this will be the best year ever known.
Mrs. Hannah Johnson, wife of Jas. Johnson, died at her home near Warwick, Saturday, February 23, 1918, from apoplexy, aged 71 years. For several years her health has been infirm, but on the day of her death she was feeling unusually well, and was stricken while busy about the house… She was a good and useful woman who will be greatly missed.
Mrs. Johnson was the only child of the late Mr. and Mrs. Alex Sharp. She is survived by her husband and their two children, Escoe Johnson and Mrs. A. C. Pifer; and by her sons, Hon. A. D. Williams, State Road Commissioner, and E. H. Williams, of Marlinton, by her daughters, Mrs. Ben Johnson, of Warwick, and Mrs. W. E. Poage, of Edray, the children of a former marriage with the late Dr. Williams.