Grafting Workshop
WVU Extension Service will hold a fruit tree-grafting workshop Thursday, April 14, at 6 p.m. at the Marlinton Municipal Building. Participants will learn multiple grafting techniques and have the opportunity to take home two grafted trees. Cost of the course will be $15 per person. Space is limited, and participants should RSVP to the WVU Extension Office by calling 304-799-4852.
T-shirt sponsors needed by April 15
Sponsors are needed for the Pocahontas County 4-H Camp T-shirts. All sponsors are asked to contribute $50 and their names will be printed on the back of the shirts. If you are interested in being a sponsor, please call the WVU Extension Office at 304-799-4852 by April 15..
Dramas, Fairs and Festivals
Applications for the Dramas, Fairs and Festivals grants for this quarter are due in the WVU Extension Office by May 1.
Energy Express
Energy Express will be available at Marlinton Elementary School this summer. Student enrollment forms will be sent home through the schools this April.
One Energy Express community coordinator position is available for applicants 18 years and older and are located at energy-express. Please contact the WVU Extension Office with any questions at 304-799-4852.