Laura Dean Bennett
Contributing Writer
Once a year during this miraculous season
The story is told of how animals can reason,
And speak to each other just for the one night
When Christmas arrives at the stroke of midnight;
As a gift for the love to a babe they did show
On a holy night in a barn all those years long ago.
Settle yourself down if a story you’d hear
About events in a barn not so far from right here.
‘Twas the night before Christmas and out on the farm
The scene had been painted with frosty white charm.
The family was tucked up in bed for the night
Sleeping soundly and missing an unbelievable sight.
All the animals had gathered together as friends
After the latches had somehow sprung open their pens.
Outside stars shone brightly on a blanket of snow
While in the warm barn the animals were saying, “Hello.”
The sheep and the pigs had made friends for the night.
The goat and the geese were being polite.
The hens were a’twitter, the ducks drew in close
To hear all the animals speaking in prose.
The donkey, the horses and cows could be heard
Sharing sweet greetings and many kind words.
The barn cat who was nursing her kittens quite small
Lay next to the sheep dog who was guarding them all.
Imagine it more than just a fanciful yarn-
The Christmas Eve gathering of the beasts in the barn.
Was it given to us by the angels above
To let animals teach us another lesson of love?
They give us so much and bring joy to our life.
How dear would it be and how seemingly right
To hear all the animals whisper tonight:
“Happy Christmas to all and to all a good night!”