Suzanne Stewart
Staff Writer
It’s a proven fact that students lose approximately two months of knowledge during summer vacation. With that in mind, Pocahontas County Schools – using books donated by the Family Resource Network, West Virginia Read Aloud and Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library – are providing preschool through third grade students each with a tote of books to read during the summer.
Along with the books, students are provided a reading log which will help them keep track of what they read or what is read to them.
“The students are getting the summer reading log which explains that over the summer students lose a lot of the content that they’ve learned,” Coordinator of teaching and learning Christine Smith said. “Summer reading programs and any kind of enrichment kids can do over the summer helps with that.”
The totes will also include a copy of West Virginia Family magazine and a list of tips for ways to read with family and friends.
“Some of the tips are ‘have someone read aloud in the kitchen while someone’s cooking or washing dishes,’” Smith said. “‘Cuddle on a chair together, alternating the adult reading and the child reading’ – different ways you can read together if it’s hard for the child to read by themselves.”
When the students return to school in August, they will celebrate the success of the reading program with a little party.
“We’ll have a banner for them to sign to say they were a part of the summer reading and do a little summer reading celebration,” Smith said. “I think we’re going to do something where the parents can come in and we’ll recognize the readers.”