January 27, 1944
The drive for the sale of Fourth War Bonds is now on. The asking is for fourteen billion dollars. Our Pocahontas County allotment from individuals is $118,000; from corporations is $78.000; for a total of $186,000…
Every dollar invested in War Bonds does its part in keeping down inflation. This thing they call inflation is what took us up to drop us down on rocks back in 1929.
Play square, do your share, the men and women in the armed service are doing their parts.
On last Friday afternoon a well attended meeting of the National Defense Committee of Pocahontas was addressed by Messrs. Gilbert and Cochran of the National Defense Department. The subject under consideration was national defense emergency in the matter of junk, particularly scrap paper. The answer to the gentlemens’ appeal was the appointment of Oley Jackson as county junk agent for the committee. Mr. Jackson will devote his full time to the job of rounding up scrap paper, metals and what not, to get this vital war material back in circulation, and that right now to meet an emergency…
Mr. Jackson is an ex-serviceman. He was a cavalry man in the first war, and is permanently crippled from his injuries received in the service. He is not so bad off not to be willing to do what he can once more in defense of his country…
The January meeting of the Minnehaha Springs Farm Woman’s Club was held at the home of Mrs. L. E. Seville, January 5, 1944, with nine members and one visitor present. Opening song was “Work for the Night is Coming.” Devotional subject: “Working Together For a Great Cause,” was in charge of by Mrs. Arndt White. Closing selection, “My Faith Looks up to Thee,” was sung.
The lesson “Our War Time Responsibilities” was presented in a very interesting way by Mrs. Elmer Moore.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Moffett McNeel, of Hillsboro, are announcing the engagement of their daughter, Miss Nancy McNeel, to Mr. Robert Lee McComb, son of Mr. A. B. McComb, of Huntersville, and the late Mrs. McComb. A definite date for the wedding has not been set…
Arbogast – McClure
Tuesday afternoon, January 18, 1944, Olla W. Arbogast and Miss Ruth E. McClure were united in marriage by the Rev. James C. Wool at the Presbyterian Manse.
Mr. Arbogast has been accepted for military service and left Wednesday for Fort Hayes, Ohio.
Lt. (j.g.) Glen L. Vaughan, who has been in the South Pacific for some months, spent last week with his mother, Mrs. C. E. Denison and Mr. Denison at Paw Paw.
Paul R. Smith, of Washington, and his son-in-law, Ralph Young, of Charleston, were in Marlinton Monday. Mr. Smith came to see his sons, Sergeant Harry, of the Army, and Paul, of the Navy, who were home on furlough and leave.
Mrs. Ivan Barlow is visiting her husband, of the Sea Bees, at Rhode Island.
Dr. Mrs. Currence, of Clarksburg, spent a few days with her son, Lieutenant Richard Currence, and family in Marlinton last week.
Miss Dotty Lou McLau-ghlin and Miss Grace Virginia Williams, students at the University at Morgantown, were guests of the former’s uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Gray McLaughlin, at Fairmont over the weekend.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Bedford W. Alderman, of Minnehaha Springs, a son, named Bill Randolph.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Roy V. Moore, of Mill Point, a son, named William Richard Moore.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. George W. Blake, of Marlinton, a daughter.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Roy M. Hamilton, a son.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Brooks Leary, of Valley Head, a daughter, named Sharon Jodell.
Espy James Wilfong, aged 56 years, died January 20, 1944.
The deceased was a son of the late Irvine and Nancy Sharp Wilfong. He married Rosie Margaret Miller. She and their eight children survive: Mrs. Edith Moore, Mrs. Goldie Wilfong, Mrs. Violet Kerr, Glen, Delbert, Hunter, of the Army, and Doris, at home. His sisters and brothers are Mrs. Sallie Irvine, Mrs. Rosie Waugh, Mrs. Lula Boehm; Deston, Asa and Seebert Wilfong.
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Judy May Moore was born on January 5, 1944, and died January 23, 1944, aged eighteen days. She is survived by her parent, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Moore, and two sisters, Fay and Peggy. The little body was laid to rest in the Sharp cemetery on the Jerico Road.