Thursday, May 25, 1944
Our Army and Navy Boys
Word has come of the death of Gay Fertig, of the United States Army, by drowning in action in the South Pacific Area. He was a son of the late George Fertig. He graduated from Marlinton High School about five years ago.
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Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Menefee have been notified by the War Department that their son, Private H. P. Menefee, has returned to active duty in Italy after having recovered from wounds received in action.
Mrs. Thomas C. Edgar has arrived from Tacoma, Washington, to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Jordan, before going to Washington, D. C., where she will be employed. Her husband, Captain Edgar is now in foreign service.
Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Sharp have heard from their son, C. Blair Sharp, S.K. 3-c, that he has arrived safely in the Solomon Islands. Mr. and Mrs. Sharp have four sons in the service: P.F.C. Earnest Rex Sharp sailed from New York City April 10; P.F.C. Lyle G. Sharp, stationed at Stuttgart, Arkansas; and Private Basil C. Sharp, stationed at Fort McClelland, Alabama.
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The following men who have previously qualified for Navy Service were called for active duty by the Local Board, Friday, May 19, 1944, for induction at a Navy Recruiting Station: Howard Oren Waugh, Marlinton; Shad Royce McLau-ghlin, Marlinton; James Marvin Wimer, Marlinton; Robert Lee Puffenbarger, Dunmore; William Richard Gowan, Dunmore; Ralph Julian Cassell, Stony Bottom; Joe Elmer Smith, Marlinton; Hayward Tharp, Durbin; Leroy William Sheets, Oak Hill; Stanley Albert Mullenax, Boyer; Robert Lee Fitzgerald, Marlinton; Ellis Daniel Nottingham, Durbin; Louis Edward Johnson, Marlinton; Reece Aquilla Lockridge, Durbin; William Fred Lawrence, Dundalk, Maryland; Patrick Doyle Fowler, Hillsboro; Ray Madrid Irvine, Marlinton; Hylton Stanford Mc-Million, Beard; Carl Pink- ney Beverage, Marlinton; Sidney Eldon Dalton, Hillsboro.
L. O. Simmons went to Staunton this week to attend the commencement exercises at the Staunton State Deaf and Blind School. He appeared on the platform to speak to the graduating class. He graduated there in the Class of 1892.
Announcement has been made of the marriage of Miss Blanche Harper, of Hillsboro, and Corporal Elmer Wymer, of the United States Army Air Corps, of Savannah, Georgia, formerly of Hillsboro. The wedding was performed Wednesday, May 10, 1944, at Callaghan, Virginia, with Rev. L. S. Shires, officiating.
Nathan Rexrode of Mill Creek, was born March 24, 1870, and died May 1, 1944, at the home of his son, Morgan Rexrode, of Durbin, On Thursday afternoon, his body was laid to rest in the Gum Cemetery on Back Allegheny.
John Thomas Mann, aged 70 years, died at his home at Raywood May 5, 1944. On Monday following, his body was buried at Pleasant Green Church near Hillsboro.
Mrs. Sylvia Raines Addleman, wife of W. W. Addleman, aged 50 years, died Wednesday, May 17, 1944. On Friday afternoon, her body was laid to rest in the cemetery at Nottingham beside the graves of her children.
Walter Hedrick Grimes, aged 63 years, died May 13, 1944 at his home near Huntersville. On Monday afternoon, his body was laid to rest in the cemetery on Browns Creek. The deceased was a son of Hugh and Ina May Grimes
Aaron A. Carlson, aged 70 years, died at Campbelltown, Sunday, May 21, 1944. On Tuesday his body was laid to rest in Mt. View Cemetery. Born in Sweden, the son of Carl and Vennie Yohanson, Mr. Carlson came to America as a young man. Forty years ago, he came to Pocahontas county with the Campbell Lumber Company and this has been his home ever since.
Mrs. Lillie Edith Hoover, was born near Crabbottom, Virginia, August 3, 1894, and departed this life, May 18, 1944, aged 49 years, 9 months and 16 days. On July 26, 1916, she was united in marriage to Jacob Hoover. Her body was laid to rest in the family plot at Mountain View Cemetery.