Men, women and small children surrounded by ice and snow are standing at the lower mill in Mill Point. This mill was built on the banks of Stamping Creek by Valentine Cackley, Jr. and operated by the Hogsett family. This mill had a wool carding machine connected to it for making wool yarn and wool batting for bed quilts. A flash flood in 1935 washed the foundation from under the mill building. Within the next year the building fell into the creek. (Pocahontas County Historical Society Collection, Photo Courtesy of Lloyd Wilson, Information by Elsie Long in “History of Pocahontas County W.Va. 1981.” ID: PHS001164)
Photographs in the “Preserving Pocahontas” Digital Library may be found at www.pocahontaspreservation.org or www.preservingpocahontas.org
If you have photographs or documents to be scanned for the county Historical Archive contact Preservation Officer B. J. Gudmundsson at 304-799-3989 or email info@pocahontaspreservation.org Prints of photographs from the archives are available.