A large group of men and women with a cow, a sheep and a horse in front of the old Green Bank Academy building in Green Bank, W.Va. A few of the people have been identified. You may be able to use a magnifying glass and match some of these names with the faces. William H. Wooddell, behind left porch post; Asberry Sheets, short man with mustache between cow and sheep; Jess Warwick, holding horse; Porter Kerr, with mustache leaning against left porch post; Uriah Hevener, in fur cap standing in front of left porch post; Bill Gladwell, behind cow’s head; John Hevener, behind cow’s back; Pat Bennett, behind man with rope; Mrs. Bill Gladwell, with book in hand between 2nd and 3rd posts; right of her is Henry Hull and Fred Moomau at rear; Frank Ashford, behind Bill Gladwell’s left shoulder; Jim Wilfong, leaning against 4th post with back; Zack Nottingham, hands in pockets behind 1st post at wall; Neal Nottingham, between 1st and 2nd posts with cap on and pipe in mouth. (Pocahontas County Historical Society Collection; PHS000117)
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If you have historical records or photographs to be scanned for the county Historical Archive contact Preservation Officer B. J. Gudmundsson at 304-799-3989 or email info@pocahontaspreservation.org Prints of photographs are available.