This postcard was published by The Pocahontas Supply Company and printed in Germany. It shows a Scene from Cass, W.Va. in the early days of the town. The card was postmarked in Cass at 3 PM on March 4, 1908, sent by Virgie H. and mailed to Miss Emma McNeill in Union, W.Va. It reads as follows: “My dear Emma. Your card was received a few days ago. Be sure to let me hear from you after you learn when you are going. How is winter with you? It has been dreadful here. Worse than for years. Cass is very dull now. I think times will be better soon tho. With care for all. Lovingly, Virgie H.” (Courtesy of Rebecca Cochran, ID: PHP003411)
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If you have historical records or photographs to be scanned for the county Historical Archive contact Preservation Officer B.J. Gudmundsson at 304-799-3989 or email info@pocahontaspreservation.org Prints of photographs are available.