Q. What national program during the Great Depression made jobs for young men who planted trees, built fire roads, built Watoga State Park cabins, lake and administration building?
Q. What is the full name of that program?
A. Civilian Conservation Corps
Historical Sketches of Pocahontas County – 1901
By William T. Price
Uses of Biographical History – Notes on Formation of the County
What was written in earlier sections was designed to impress upon our minds something like a just conception as to how interesting and instructive is the story of the Divine providential leadings of our ancestral people, that guided them to homes in the primeval forests. Moreover we endeavored to realize how impressively beautiful was and is the heavenly handiwork manifested in fashioning, locating and adorning the “goodly land,” wherein God has permitted our lines to fall, and suffers us to hold as our pleasant heritage…
One of the wisest of recently living thinkers very happily remarks: “To live in the presence of great truths and eternal loves, to be led by permanent ideals, that is what keeps a man patient when the world ignores him, and calm and unspoiled when the world praises him…”
What the soul is to the body, so are the people to any country, and as the body without a pure soul becomes worse than useless, an offensive nuisance, so does a country without people of the proper tone and character. Hence it is that, after all, the people are the really important subject, whose history is intrinsically valuable for the purpose now at hand…
“For as the body without the spirit is dead,” so a county without a live people is dead also. The poet Dante, centuries since, uttered an aphorism that had it been duly heeded would have increased the happiness of our race immensely. It was to this purport, “Knowledge and wisdom thrive on well remembered facts.”
One of the most widely known of Pocahontas families in former years was that of the ancestor of the Lockridge relationship at Driscol, four miles east of Hunt-ersville. It was a place of resort for visiting lawyers to and from Huntersville on public occasions. Pleasant mention is made of the kind of treatment received and of the nice and bountiful table comforts enjoyed in the memoir of the late Howe Peyton, and in some published reminiscences of George Mayse, of the Warm Springs.
Lancelot (Lanty) Lockridge, the progenitor of the name in our county, came from the Lower Bull Pasture, in Highland county, about four miles up the river from Williamsville, Bath county. Mrs. Lockridge was Elizabeth Benson, of the same vicinity…
Mr. and Mrs. Lockridge were of pure Scotch-Irish descent. Early in the century they settled on Knapps Creek and built up a prosperous home and reared a large family, four sons and five daughters: Andrew, Matthias, Lanty, James T., Elizabeth, Nelly, Harriet, Rebecca and Martha…
Col. James T. Lockridge married Miss Lillie Moser, of South Carolina, and occupied the homestead, which was his home during life. He was a citizen of marked prominence, Colonel 127 Virginia Militia, magistrate, merchant, sheriff and member of Virginia House of Delegates. Their children, two sons and two daughters, are Horace M. Lockridge, of Huntersville; Mrs. Florence Milligan, of Buena Vista; Dr. J. B. Lockridge, of Driscol; and Mrs. L. W. Herold, a popular school teacher and instructor in instrumental music.
Elizabeth became the wife of the late Henry Herold, and moved to Nicholas county.
Nellie was married to the late Jacob Slaven, of Travelers Repose.
Harriet was married to the late John McNeel, near Millpoint.
Rebecca was married to the late Joseph Seybert, and lived first on the Waddell place near Millpoint, then on the place occupied by Henry Sharp on Douthards Creek, and lastly on the farm now held by William L. Harper, near Sunset.
Martha was married to Roger Hickman, of Bath County…
As to the personal appearance of this [Lancelot], it was a common remark of those who had seen Henry Clay that there was a striking resemblance in the form and features of the two men, and that those who had portraits of Henry Clay had nothing to do but scratch out his name and write Lanty Lockridge in place of it, and they would have his picture and one that everybody would recognize…