Pocahontas Memorial Hospital held its Annual Christmas Dinner December 5 at the Pocahontas Opera House. Employees, family members, board of trustees, auxiliary members and guests came out to celebrate the season and recognize staff receiving Service Awards. The dinner was catered by Rayetta’s Lunchbox.
Continuing what has become a PMH tradition, attendees brought toys to contribute to the Family Resource Network’s Project Christmas to help families in need throughout the county. This year easily marked the largest number of toys ever collected for the FRN.
Chief Executive Officer Michelle Deeds opened the evening with remarks, thanking PMH employees for the work they do each and every day. After a prayer from Board of Trustees member JL Clifton, Deeds presented service awards to employees at the dinner. The individuals receiving awards this year are:
Five Years
Katherine Gibb, Rechelle Hall, Cheryl Hart, Dr. Matthew Lee, Bevin Saul and Caitlin Sharp.
Ten Years
Traci Alderman, Donna Lidel-Burley, Kari Cooper, Nicholas Cooper, Carol Roberts-Lucabaugh and Ashley Pritt Roy.
Fifteen Years
Ronald Freer, Dean Gunter and Lisa Hill.
Twenty Years
Yvette Rider and Joan Teubert.
Twenty-Five Years
Aleisha Myers.