Jaynell Graham
Sleep deprived, but relieved, Marlinton Town Council met Monday night, where Mayor Sam Felton reported on the effects of the early Monday morning flooding.
Shawn Dunbrack, Homeland Security Regional Liaison, did an assessment and found that 128 homes, six government offices and 33 businesses were impacted by the high water. Three businesses had minor damage.
Marlinton Code Enforcer and Floodplain Coordinator Zach Graham said he spoke with Dunbrack and State NFIP Coordinator Chuck Grishaber, both of whom said the town was incredibly lucky. The flooding could have been so much worse.
Another issue affected by the flooding was the Third Avenue sewer repair project that was scheduled to begin Monday morning.
Felton said the project had been worked on in bits and pieces, but now the town has no other option than to replace 700 feet of line.
“The entire system is full of roots,” Felton said. “I don’t mean a little bit. The starting point of the project, near 12th street was so full of roots, that the bell connections at the ends of the old terracotta tile sections were cracked and separated.”
In other business council
• approved the first reading of the Municipal Building Commission Ordinance
• heard a report from Planning Commission chair Katie Workman about the Marlinton Listens survey. The survey found that dilapidated properties were considered the biggest threat to recreational development within the town.
• approved payment of invoices associated with the Water Improvement Project: $35.447.50 to Dunn Engineering; and $3,723.06 to Region 4 for administrative services, pending receipt of the resolution.
• made preliminary plans for a budget work session
• tabled a request for a letter of support for an ARC POWER Grant being submitted for Downtown Appalachia: Revitalizing Recreational Economies program. Council requested information as to how other towns have benefited from this program.
Marlinton Town Council meets the first Monday of each month, holidays excepted, at 7 p.m. via Zoom and teleconference and in person, with safety protocols.