Laura Dean Bennett
Staff Writer
The Pocahontas County Opera House Foundation, High Rocks Educational Corporation and the Preservation Alliance of West Virginia, in coordination with many community volunteers, hosted a full day of education and celebration Monday to honor the life and work of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Organizers would like to see this become an annual event.
The McClintic Library celebrated Martin Luther King Day by offering a well organized historical presentation in the History Room about Dr. King and black history in our local area. A televised interview and books written about Dr. King were available, as well as photos and stories of local and regional black citizens and communities. One story told about a former slave, a resident of Bath County, who, as a well-respected midwife, delivered hundreds of babies in our region. AmeriCorps volunteers were present to assist library patrons, students and visitors in reviewing the material. They also read stories about Dr. King to an attentive group of young students.
A lunch of homemade soups and breads was served at noon in the Opera House. It was a most comforting meal and helped to lessen the chill of the wind and sub-freezing temperatures of the day.
Activities and craft projects at the Opera House reflected Dr. King’s com- mitment to peace, justice and inclusion. A display of pictures, memorabilia and poems written by young students honored King’s life and work. Documentaries and biographies were also streamed on-screen throughout the day.