According to Jeff Bennett, a PSC Utility Inspector, their staff is answering questions from water and sewer utilities asking how to respond to requests for new service to RV campgrounds.
RV campgrounds should not be confused with “mobile home parks” that contain house trailers.
PSC staff is of the opinion that Water Rule 3.3 which prohibits master metering of mobile home parks, is not applicable to RV campgrounds. Conventional RV campgrounds are not intended to serve permanent residents.
RV campgrounds have occupants who stay for as little as one night, making it impractical to require a meter and an application for service at each campsite. Although most of the pipeline industry campers will be staying for months, they can come and go on a moment’s notice. With colder weather approaching, a drop in the number of campers could happen at any time.
Property owners outside of town limits and on town water, who install campsites are required to have a tap, separate from their permanent premises, according to PSC.
Water Rule 5.3.j states in part; “…no water pipes or plumbing in any premises shall be extended from or to adjacent or other premises.”
New RV campgrounds created specifically to house a workforce for only a limited period of time may be considered temporary.
Water Rule 4.1.f allows the utility to charge the entire cost and expense for installing a “temporary service” connection.
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