Local citizens ask about what goes on at the town office. Most explanations do not effectively tell the story. Last week was a good example. Monday morning began with 129 emails in the inbox. Probably one-half of them were junk. But, you still must sort through them.
The trash truck had broken down the week before and nearly all the dumpsters were running over.
Pro and Con: The RV variance had the phone constantly ringing with numerous requests for information. Requests for applications is case-by-case. Each question required detailed discussions.
This week begins the first full week of construction at the water plant. Office trailers and tool containers are in place.
In other business, a Plan of Action is being prepared that addresses sewer plant issues.
Other programs have to do with operational certifications, Sign Ordinance, parking program, a re-do of street planters, grass on lots, requests for meter setters, deliveries of wrong size pipe. A tree-trimmer has finished in one area and will be moving to another. We are answering complaints near the Farmers Market, tagging motor vehicles, and another house on First Avenue has been removed. Other projects require letter-writing and some letters of support.
Some of you on Facebook may have read my WANTED notice. If not, and you are a woodworking craftsman, this is for you. I believe what started as an idea for the Edray Industrial Park, may be a good fit for a cottage industry in Pocahontas County. I have contacted a company that has a unique wood product that could be produced in your own carpentry shop. This product already has a worldwide market. If interested, please drop me a note at: The Town of Marlinton, 709 Second Avenue or an email at townofmarlinton@frontiernet.net If I receive six-to 10 responses, we will set up a meeting to discuss details. There is no need to provide details without serious interest being expressed.
There are a lot of local and regional efforts working to attract jobs to our town and county. Regional economic leaders have told me that good things are happening in our county. We must stay positive and press on. Each of these efforts will meet opposition, but we must seek new opportunities. We cannot wait for the cavalry. We are the cavalry.
After watching a news show Sunday evening and seeing the homeless situation in cities like Los Angeles, Venice and Pala Alto, California, I, for one, am glad I live here. We have our problems, but our problems can be corrected.
“Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility, value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.” Philippians 2:3-4
Notice: No Special Bow Hunt within the town limits this fall.