The key to being a good Code Enforcement Officer is to be fair, truthful and consistent.
There is no doubt in my mind that the Town of Marlinton hired such a man. The problem is, the Town’s new-ly hired Building Inspector/Code Enforcement Offi- cer only worked eight days, before giving notice. Another employer called him, offering a better salary package. His decision was made with his family’s best interest in mind, and I could not disagree.
We wish him well.
This means the Town is temporarily without a Code Enforcement Officer. That does not mean, that town ordinances have taken a vacation. The intent of this week’s Mayor’s Corner is a reminder to citizens, business partners and property owners inside the municipal boundaries – if you are planning new construction, additions, demolition or other such activities, check with the Town office for the proper permit.
Property owners with such projects in the flood plain, (which is basically everything in the downtown area) should go online and familiarize themselves with the West Virginia Flood Tool. Finding the elevation for your property and obtaining an Elevation Certificate is a requirement in every such situation. This must be mission number one before beginning any construction activity.
The Town has already advertised to fill the position of Code Enforcement Officer. When another officer is hired, any new construction will be the first locations to have inspections – the same with rental compliance.
Code enforcement is one of the most complained about issues in Town government. This is why it is a difficult job and takes longer than anyone would expect.