Drinking water and wastewater treatment is essential, not only to a city or a community, but to every single household. That’s why we talk about utilities so much.
The service the Town of Marlinton provides to the community is essential to the health and safety of our residents and visitors. The Town recognizes a profound obligation to ensure that our utilities finances are properly managed to support the continual provision of essential water-related services.
For instance, a recent routine order for chemicals, supplies and other materials for the water plant was $5,260.83
Nationally, four percent of the nation’s electricity is consumed by water and wastewater facilities.
I remember fearing that the move away from coal-fired power plants would be a move toward higher production costs for electricity.
Industry experts are predicting that energy costs could increase 20 percent by 2035. The Town of Marlinton’s MonPower bill, paid in January, was $8,162.43. That covers water and sewer plants, offices, lift stations and more.
With this in mind, MonPower is proposing newer cost-saving lighting alternatives for towns and municipalities. I have asked for upfront cost estimates from the power company. These costs remain unknown at this time.
LED savings would have to be realized over the long-term. The Town Council will need more information before a decision can be made.
In the short-term, an energy audit can often uncover potential energy savings.
Even an in-house examination can often result in substantial energy savings.