The following individuals and businesses have generously donated to Pocahontas County Free Libraries in the last six months. We are grateful for their contributions. Donors are listed in alphabetical order, with in “honor of” or in “memory of” listed in parenthesis.
Christine Ahern, Margaret Baker, BFD Fire Department, Sean Brain, Sallie Briggs (Raymond Briggs), Laura Brooks and Joe Khoury, Barbara Keys Bryner (Warren Blackhurst and Roy Clarkson), John Buly, Frank Burkett (Elizabeth Eskridge Burkett), Capt. Phillip Bush II USN (Ret), Janelle Callaway, Tommy and Barbara Campbell (Hugh Jackson, Jr.), Jack and Carole Casey (Anna Mae Boothe), Cheryl Cassell (Mary Jane Galford), Michael and Kristine Cassis, Elizenda Ceballos and David Kirby, Opal Chamelin (Selma and Tom Clutter), David and Carole Cobb, Michael Corley, Ray Crabtree, Cranberry Piecemakers, LuAnn Creager, Harold Crist (Betty Ruth Crist), Bruce and Bonnie Cunningham, Mary Jarvis Currence (Louise Currence Christensen), David Curry, John and Marilyn Curry, Betty Neil Cutlip (Richard Hill Cutlip), Billy Ray Davis, Jr., Richard and Linda Donnelly, Ellen Doyle, Cheryl Duff, Dunmore United Methodist Women, Edray CEOS, John and Hayes Eilers, Maxine M. Elbon (Richard Elbon), Robert and Victoria Forrest, Fred and JoAnn Fromhart, Katherine Garber (Dorothy Lovelace), Pamela and Pat Gatens, Linda Gibb, Robert and Beverly Gibb (Linda Gibb), Leslie Jones Goodall (All Librarians at PCFL), Michele Grinberg and James Withrow, Ernestine S. Hannah (Tammi S. Hannah), John Harris (Virgil and Macel Harris), Deborah Hoeper (Bill Burner Family), Lois Jarvi and David Roach, Dorothy Johnson, Andrew B. Jordan, Sharon P. and Larry Kearns, Moreau A. Keller, Ed and Helen Keller (Dr. O. F. Mitchell), Jay Kniceley, Carolyn and Dan Knight (Hard Working Librarians), Lands End Homeowners Association, Robert E. Lannan, Amy Legare, Doug and Sharon Leslie, Janet Livengood, Jay and Elizabeth Lockman, Pam Lund, Ron and Nancy Maddalena, Ann Magnuson (Robert E. Magnuson), Marlinton Lions Club, Ira and Brenda Maupin, Linda McCoy, Doris McLaughlin, Justin and Rebecca McNaull, Minnehaha Springs CEOS, Morning Glory Inn, James M. Nottingham, Leon K. Oxley, Kathryn and Troost Parker, Pendleton Community Bank, Donna Pennington, Tolly Peuleche, Carolyn Phillips (My good friend, Betty Ruth Crist), George and Anke Poole, Rodney Poole, Alice Poore, Walter Lee Ralston, Jr. (1946 Green Bank High School), Jack Ramey (Frances Ramey), John and Christine Rebinski, James Remich, David Rockwell, Joseph M. Romano, Diana Schneider and Richard Miseyko, Ray and Sue Schultz, Linda Selby, Senior Citizens Outpost-Durbin, Connie Sharp (Goldie Burgess), Roland Sharp Estate, Ernie and Barbara Shaw, Betty Smith, Donna Smith and Fred Earley II, Snowshoe Mountain Resort, David Spitzer (Helen A. Spitzer), Marietta Stemple, Eileen and Jerry Strauss, Kate and Scott Parker, The Whistle Stop, Jeannie K. Todaro (Virginia Cassells’ 90th Birthday), Frank and Jeanne Townsend, Rebecca Trafton (Grace Varner), Roger Trusler (Glenna Hayes), Vanguard Charitable, Glenda VanReenan, Pocahontas Co. Chapter #1100 of the Vietnam Veterans of America, Sue Vint (Albert Vint), Mark Walters, Arlene and Lucian Wayne Walton, Eugene Ward, Jonathan S. Wasko (Snowshoe Ski Patrol), Leroy Webb, Kyle Williams, Charles P. Wilson (Mary and Judy Oila), Solomon Workman, Walter Workman, and Carter Zerbe.