Open Letter
Pocahontas Broadband Council
April 9, 2022
I am making a comment about the planned meeting with Frontier representatives and their request that it take place in executive session. From the corporate business perspective/ board of director’s mentality, I can understand their concerns about proprietary information but not in this particular case. I am not interested in that particular information. All I know is that my monthly bill keeps increasing while at the same time my phone and Internet service is getting worse and more unreliable, and I see no plans to improve service and upgrade their equipment.
According to Robert’s Rules of Order, Frontier would be defined as a guest and there can be no executive session for a guest. An executive session is not a good look for Frontier and might not look good for the broadband council. It would create an appearance of impropriety. It may have an impact for citizens to not trust the council.
Thank you,
Caroline Sharp
Marlinton, WV