Notice is hereby given that the following estate(s) have been opened for probate in the Pocahontas County Clerk’s Office at P. O. Box 209, 900 Tenth Avenue, Suite C, Marlinton, WV 24954-0209. Any person seeking to impeach or establish a will must make a complaint in accordance with the provisions of West Virginia Code 41-5-11 through 13. Any interested person objecting to the qualifications of the personal representative or the venue or jurisdiction of the court, shall file written notice of an objection with the County Commission within 60 days after the date of the first publication or within 30 days of the service of the notice, whichever is later.
If an objection is not filed timely, the objection is forever barred. Any claims against an estate must be filed within 60 days of the first publication of this notice in accordance with West Virginia Code 44-2 and 44-3A.
Settlement of the estate(s) of the following named decedent(s) will proceed without reference to a fiduciary commissioner unless within 60 days from the first publication of this notice a reference is requested by a party of interest or an unpaid creditor files a claim and good cause is shown to support reference to a fiduciary commissioner.
First Publication Date: Thursday, March 16, 2023
Claim Deadline: Monday, May 15, 2023
996 Dry Branch Road
Slaty Fork WV 26291-9054
1906 Big Creek Road
Wayne, WV 25570-8510
1906 Big Creek Road
Wayne, WV 25570-8510
EXECUTRIX: Cara Hefner Rose
1463 Douthards Creek Road
Marlinton, WV 24954-5874
820 10th Avenue
Marlinton, WV 24954-1315
EXECUTOR: Stephen G. Dilley
8351 Browns Creek Road
Dunmore, WV 24934-9050
EXECUTRIX: Regina McPaters
1276 Jordan Road
Marlinton, WV 24954-9764
Subscribed and sworn to before me on March 13, 2023.
Melissa L. Bennett
Clerk of the Pocahontas County Commission
2021-S-00000025 – Pocahontas County – WVTJ LLC
To: ROBERT DEAN CLEVENGER, TOP OF THE WORLD CONDOMINIUM AT SNOWSHOE OWNER’S ASSOCIATION ATTN: TOM ROAT, BOB OWENS, POCAHONTAS COUNTY PUBLIC SERVICE DISTRICT, SNOWSHOE MOUNTAIN, INC, LEATHER-BARK CONDOMINIMUM ASSOCIATION, ROBERT DEAN CLEVENGER, ROBERT CLEVENGER, CANDY OWENS, CANDY OWENS, ROBERT OWENS, E. HOTCHER CRENSHAW TR, BLACKBURN CONTE SCHILLING, W. E. SINGLETON C/O STEPHEN C. CONTE, BLACKBURN CONTE SCHILLING, OCCUPANT, IRS ATTN: ADVISORY CONSOLIDATED RECEIPTS, WV STATE TAX DEPARTMENT, or heirs-at-law, devisees, creditors, representatives, successors, assigns, all known heirs, guardians, conservators, fiduciaries, administrators, lienholders, co-owners, other parties having an undivided interest in the delinquent property, and other parties that may have any interest in the subject property.
You will take notice that WVTJ LLC, the purchaser of the tax lien(s) on the following real estate, Certificate of Sale: 2021-S-00000025, LEATHERBARK CONDO 208B, .02009% INT IN 2.89 AC FEE, located in EDRAY, which was returned delinquent in the name OWENS ROBERT E & CANDY; CLEVENGER ROBERT D, and for which the tax lien(s) thereon was sold by the Sheriff of Pocahontas County at the sale for the delinquent taxes made on the 20th day of October, 2021, has requested that you be notified that a deed for such real estate will be made to him or her on or after April 11, 2023, as provided by law, unless before that day you redeem such real estate. The amount you will have to pay on the last day, April 10, 2023, will be as follows:
Amount equal to the taxes and charges due on the date of the sale, with interest, to April 10, 2023. $ 1,059.90
Amount of subsequent years taxes paid on the property, since the sale, with interest to April 10, 2023. $ 444.60
Amount paid for Title Examination and preparation of the list to be served and for preparation and service of notice with interest from January 1, 2022, following the sheriff’s sale to April 10, 2023. $ 1,261.39
Amount paid for other statutory costs with interest from following the sheriff’s sale to April 10, 2023. $ 1,780.69
Total Amount Payable to Sheriff – cashier check, money order or certified check must be made payable to The Honorable Jeff Barlow, Sheriff and Treasurer of Pocahontas County. $ 4,546.58
Cost of Certification of Redemption – cashier check, money order or certified check must be made payable to The Honorable John B. McCuskey, State Auditor. $ 35.00
You may redeem at any time before April 10, 2023, by paying the above total less any unearned interest.
Return this letter and both certified funds to the WV State Auditor’s Office, County Collections Division, 1900 Kanawha Blvd, East, Building 1, Room W-114, Charleston, West Virginia, 25305.
Questions, please call 1-888-509-6568, option 2. 3/2/3c
Seeking Quotes for Cattle Chute Working Facility
The Pocahontas County Board of Education is seeking sealed quotes for a cattle chute working facility approximately 40 feet by 47 feet. The facility should include a 180-degree tub/sweep system with a manual squeeze chute. Provide in the quote all materials to be used in the completed facility: gates, panels, etc. Pictures would be helpful. The quote should specify number of items, size/types/gauge of materials for facility and if shipping costs apply.
The items should be delivered to Pocahontas County High School, 271 Warrior Way, Dunmore, WV 24924.
For additional information contact Andrew Friel, 304-799-6565 or email at Pocahontas County High School.
Quotes are to be sent to Superintendent, Pocahontas County Schools, 404 Old Buckeye Road, Buckeye, WV 24924 no later than 3:00 p.m. Friday, March 24, 2023.
Please write “PCHS Cattle Chute Bid” in the lower left-hand corner of the envelope.
The Pocahontas County Board of Education reserves the right to accept or reject any or all quotes in whole or in part.
The Monongahela National Forest is accepting bids for the seasonal grazing of livestock during the 2023 grazing season on National Forest grazing allotments located in Pocahontas County, WV. A ten- year term grazing permit will be issued to the qualified and successful bidder.
The Friel Run Allotment is located approximately seven miles northwest of Marlinton. The allotment is located off FR 115 (Friel Run Road) about one mile south of SR 150. The allotment is 22 acres and the allowable stocking is 5 animal units. Grazing will be permitted May 15 to October 1.
The Hannah Allotment is located approximately eight miles north of Marlinton, WV along State Route 219, and on the south side of the Lake Reed Road. The allotment contains 74 acres and the allowable stocking is 6 animal units. Rotational grazing is required and will be permitted May 15 to October 1.
The Rimel Allotment is located at the intersection of State Routes 39 and 92. The allotment contains 28 acres in two pastures. The allowable stocking is 11 animal units and rotational grazing is required. Grazing will be permitted May 1 to October 1.
The Lower Meadow Allotment is located approximately 16 miles north of Marlinton. From Marlinton follow State Route 219 north to FR 1026, take FR 1026A and follow 1026A to the end. The allotment contains 41 acres and the allowable stocking is 6 animal units. Grazing will be permitted May 15 to October 1.
The Beale Hacking Allotment is located on the top of Buzzard Ridge approximately 16 miles north of Marlinton. From Marlinton follow State Route 219 north to Forest Road 1026. The allotment is on the right hand side of FR 1026, contains 86 acres, and the allowable stocking is 14 animal units. Grazing will be permitted May 15 to October 1.
A 10-year term grazing permit will be issued to the person who, in combination: 1.) Is willing and able to carry out the necessary maintenance and repairs to existing allotment facilities, such as fences, gates, corrals and watering facilities, as will be agreed upon beforehand between the permittee and the Forest Service, and then incorporated into the permit and/or annual operating instructions. The Forest Service will provide major materials to make the necessary repairs. 2.) Can graze the number of animal units closest to the allowable stocking, and 3.) Submits the highest bid.
Applicants for term permits must own or have legal right of use of the base property necessary to adequately care for the permitted livestock should it become necessary to remove them from National Forest lands during the grazing season. The base property shall have the necessary facilities, such as fences, water and forage to handle the permitted livestock. The Forest Service may require an inspection of the base property prior to issuance of the permit.
The minimum grazing fee bid is $7.76 per animal unit per month. An animal unit is defined as one adult cow with or without a nursing calf, a bull, a horse, a mule, a donkey or a burro, in any combination.
Bid deposits are not required. The grazing fee established by bidding will be adjusted each year thereafter by applying an annual bid adjustment factor. This may result in an increase or decrease to the established grazing fee in the future. Applicants must own the livestock they intend to graze. A person can bid on more than one allotment. Only one member of a household can bid on a particular allotment. Prior to bidding, persons are encouraged to inspect the allotments. The permittee may be able to use fee credits to make Forest Service approved improvements to their allotment. In exchange for carrying out these improvements at their cost, the permittees grazing fee will be reduced by the value of the work accomplished.
Persons interested in bidding should provide in writing; the name(s) of the allotment(s) they are interested in grazing, the number and types of livestock they intend to graze there, their name, mailing address, phone number, and their bid to: Jason Hattersley, District Ranger, Marlinton Ranger District, P.O. Box 210, Marlinton, WV 24954. Bids must be signed and received by close of business March 27, 2023. On the front of the envelope write “Grazing Bid.”
Bidders will be notified of the results of the bidding. The Forest Service reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Additional information can be obtained by calling the Marlinton Ranger District at 304-799-4334.
The Forest Service is committed to the policy that all persons shall have equal access to its programs, facilities, and employment without regard to race, religion, color, sex, or national origin.
Notice of Public Hearing
The Pocahontas County Solid Waste Authority will hold the annual public hearing on the Green Box Fee at Pocahontas County Courthouse on Wednesday, March 29, 2023 at 7:00 p.m.