Thursday, July 6, 1899
A few days since, Eddie Carter killed the big rattlesnake whose trail has attracted attention the past two or three years, crossing the road at the Jake Place. It was between four and five feet in length and nearly 12 inches in circumference and had eleven rattles and a button.
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Three chicken thieves were captured at Dunmore last week. One owl, by Swecker; one opossum, by Taylor; one skunk, by Moore.
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Cornelius McLaughlin was lodged in jail for cutting Willis Sheets in the abdomen at the Stony Bottom picnic. The wound is serious, penetrating to the abdominal cavity. At Stony Bottom, a good many coattails were trod on that day, resulting in numerous fights. Bud Burner, C. P. C., carried a warrant for Bernard Hamrick, and found him at the picnic. Burner presented a pistol but Hamrick refused to yield. The trouble seemed likely to grow. Hamrick had friends who were disposed to aid and abet him and the constable gathered a posse. The two parties, 15 or more, left the grounds together. We learn that the matter was submitted in arbitration, and Hamrick gave bond to the constable for his appearance.
Gurgles from a Gorgeous Gulch
“Where I lead, others follow!” hollered Billy Ayers, as he jumped right into corn hoeing.
The bees are a-humming, the store men are a-drumming, the cockneys are a-slumming, the loafers are a-bumming, and old Autumn is a-coming! Get a hustle on, you old wummen!
Archdeacon Dakers says that working the road don’t improve stand-up collars and patent-leather boots. That’s why he sits on the fence. Deacon, you’re a “daisy!”
What Tom Ware does not know about bees – “be gum” – ain’t worth knowing. He is a born naturalist. The nearer we live to nature, the happier our lives become.
A man who trusts not is not to be trusted.
J. H. Bird, of Marlinton, and Miss Vergie Eskridge were married at Academy Wednesday. A reception was tendered them by Uriah Bird, Esq. in Marlinton. The bride is the third daughter of Dr. Eskridge, of Academy.
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June 28, 1899, near Edray, by William T. Price, William Adam Wooddell and Miss Louella Jane Geiger. The groom is a grandson of the late J. W. McAlpin, and son of Amos Wooddell. He is a young farmer of the Linwood vicinity. About 40 neighbors and relatives were present at the nuptials.
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Quite a pleasant society event transpired on Brown’s mountain near Huntersville Thursday evening when John William Loury and Miss Sallie Hickman McLaughlin were married by Rev. William T. Price. … The parlor where the ceremony was performed was tastefully decorated and during the service the bridal party was arranged under a canopy of ferns, flowers and evergreens.
Thomas Galford, a Confederate veteran, died July 2, 1899, at the home of his daughter, Mrs. William Mayse near West Union, being in his 79th year.
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July 1st near Marlinton, Newton Jordan, aged about 25 years. His disease was a cancerous affection and was treated at Johns Hopkins Hospital. He returned home on the 25th of June and sank rapidly. He is survived by his wife and three year old son. He was buried at the Moore graveyard on Elk.
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June 17th at her residence on Elk, Mrs. Margaret Hannah, in the 74th year of her age. Mrs. Hannah was the wife of J. B. Hannah and was a highly esteemed lady and for more than 50 years a devout member of the M. E. Church. A severe attack of the grip which was succeeded by heart trouble and dropsical affection were the occasions of the sufferings that resulted in her lamented death. In all the relations of life, she was a person who tried to know and do her duty, and her memory is affectionately cherished by her family and her neighbors, and all have a good word for her.
A Good Family Medicine
W. Lee Wilmoth, Top of Allegheny, W. Va., writes: I have used Ramon’s Liver Pills and Tonic Pellets for the past five years in our family. I do not hesitate to say that they are best. They are mild in action, splendid in effect, besides being pleasant to take and requiring only one at a dose. To all who are unable to pay large doctor’s bills, I would say, always keep a box of Ramon’s Liver Pills in the house to use in case of necessity.