Editor’s note: The C.J. Casdorph Store was located on Main Street in Marlinton and is now home to The Pocahontas Times. Photo courtesy of Kay King and Keith Moore
July 29, 1965
The sawmill at Gentry’s Pin Mill at Huntersville, was completely destroyed by fire last Thursday afternoon. It was pretty well gone when the Marlinton Fire Department answered the call; they pumped the almost dry Cummings Creek dry.
An Invitation
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Shaw, Jr. owners-managers of the Marlinton Motor Inn, invite you to a christening Friday, July 30, 1965, at 8:30 p.m.
The newly constructed waterfall was recently designed and constructed by F. Marshall Means, of Char- leston. It was built with native stone taken from a quarry near Durbin. The waterfall has a capacity of approximately 3,500 gallons of water and pumps 70 gallons per minute.
4-H Camp
County 4-H Camp got underway Monday at Camp Pocahontas with 160 camp-ers and 20 leaders, under the direction of Robert McDermott, of Cabell County, with Sally Howard and Mike Jones, state workers.
Seneca Tribe, Chief, Carolyn Sharp; Sagamore, Cheryl Bailey. Cherokee Tribe, Chief, Sam Sheets; Sagamore, Carolyn Dean. Mingo Tribe, Chief, Nancy Harper; Sagamore, Sharla Gladwell. Delaware Tribe, Chief, Janice Mullenax; Sagamore, Peggy Beverage. Big Feet Tribe, Chief, Blix McNeill; Sagamore, Sara Ann Moore.
Eight boy scouts of troop 262 of Durbin attended camp last week. Those attending were Rickey Wilfong, Ronnie Wooddell, Michael Hev-enor, Michael Mullenax, Richard Wilmore, Charles Cover, Mark Kane and David Wilfong.
Scoutmaster Richard Mullenax and Scout Charles Cover, earned the Order of the Arrow.
Earning merit badges were Richard Wilmore, Michael Hevenor and Charles Cover.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Dunbrack, of Marlinton, a son, named Richard Eugene.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sharp, a son.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Pat Vandevander, of Wilson, a daughter.
Mrs. Amelia Heckert Rose, 58, of Buckeye; Burial in Mountain View Cemetery.
Mrs. Twila Daisy Shinaberry Simmons, 36, of Dunmore; burial in the Arbovale Cemetery.
Mr. S. D. (Birdie) Kirk, 88, of Hillsboro; born at Jacox, a daughter of the late Abraham and Margaret Clutter Hayes. Burial in the Oak Grove Cemetery
George Cleveland Tyree, 82, of Williamsburg, a son of the late John and Charlotte Tyree. Burial in Wallace Memorial Cemetery at Clintonville.