November 30, 1967
The Pendleton Times last week carried the story of a fight to the death between two mighty bucks in the Smoke Hole country, observed by Mrs. Carl Kimple. One deer was lightly larger than the other and it was out. The loser, in its exhausted condition, fell over a 50-foot cliff to his death. The defeated animal had a massive rack of 19 points and the bigger one is still king in the Smoke Hole.
4-H News
The 4-H Junior Leaders met November 9, 1967, in the Teen Center.
Jo Debra Galford, the president, called the meeting to order.
The secretary, Linda Calhoun, read the minutes of the previous meeting and called the roll.
A money making project was discussed. Selling Christmas candles was a suggestion, but was ruled out. The group then decided to sponsor a dance after a basketball game sometime during the season. Grace Jane Moore was to secure the date.
We planned the December meeting and Christmas party. A refreshment committee was appointed as follows: Libby Graham, chairman; Kathy Beard and Jane Callison.
Sally McLaughlin volunteered to be chairman of the decoration and recreation committee. Each member is allowed to bring a guest.
Bucky Moore was elected reporter, and Tiny Shinaberry as the assistant social chairman.
Grace Jane Moore was in charge of the Thanksgiving program with Bucky Moore, Jane Callison and Kathy Beard participating.
Bucky Moore
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The Huntersville Jaguars 4-H Club met November 10 at the Huntersville Methodist Church. Edwin White, the president, brought the meeting to order with all singing West Virginia Boys and Girls and repeating the Pledge and Flag Salute.
Vicky Abdella was in charge of the devotions and program with Thanksgiving being the theme. It consisted of Bible scripture, meditations, songs by the group and prayer.
The club voted to draw names and invite the parents to attend the December 8th meeting and also discussed officer training school for the 2nd of December.
Those present were 19 members, leader, Mrs. Bly Shisler, assistant leader, Mrs. Thelma White, adult leader, Mrs. Hazel Sherbs. Mrs. Hoil Underwood is also an adult leader.
Paul Douglas White
Lobelia News
Cool weather and hog butchering is the order of the day.
Mr. and Mrs. Basil Cain, of Falls Church, Virginia, are spending Thanksgiving holidays with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Remus Cain, of Huntersville, and Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Boggs, of Lobelia.
Mrs. Harold Hill and son, Jeffrey, of Buckeye, visited her parents-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Hill, at Lobelia.
Lee Dean is able to return to his road job after being so seriously hurt.
Mr. and Mrs. Billy Perry, of Renick, visited Mr, and Mrs. Lee Dean last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Origen Underwood, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Alderman and sons, Norman Lee and Keith, of Huntersville, visited their brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Hill recently.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Tyree and daughters, Earlene, Donna and Darlene, of Buckeye, visited the E. E. Hills Sunday; also visiting the E. E. Hills were Mr. and Mrs. Orville McMillion.
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Simmons visited Mr. and Mrs. Claude Simmons, at Richwood recently.
Mrs. Page Clutter, visited her brother and family, Mr. and Mrs. L . T. Hill, last Friday.
Miss Elsie Louise Hill visited her aunt, Mrs. Ruby Hill, last Friday night.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Robertson, of Marlinton, a son, named Paul Jeffrey.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Nelson, of Mount Zion, Illinois, a daughter, named Nancy Dianne. The grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Burns, of Marlinton and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Nelson, of Huntersville.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. David Hayes, of Green Bank, a daughter. The mother is the former Anna Sheets.
James Lincoln Dunn, 66; born at Watoga, a son of the late Dennis and Elizabeth Dunn. Burial in Mountain View Cemetery.
John Dudley Wiley was killed in Viet Nam flying a small transport plane into a special forces camp when, by accident, our own guns fired at the enemy on the ground many miles away, and John Dudley’s plane was hit. He and two other men in the plane were killed instantly when the plane hit the ground. He was the son of the late Rev. Ewell Wiley, and a nephew of Raymond Wiley, of Denmar.
Mrs. Nelia P. Heffner, 90, of Akron, Ohio, formerly of Hillsboro. Burial in the Memorial Cemetery in Akron.
Robert P. Nottingham, 67, died in Columbus, Ohio; a son of R. L. and Bertie Lockridge Nottingham, and grandson of Adam Nottingham. Burial in the Union Cemetery.
Bert Sites, 67, prominent businessman of Franklin. President of Sites Chevrolet, Inc. Service and burial in Franklin.