Laura Dean Bennett
Staff Writer
The second annual Empty Bowls dinner was held last Tuesday evening and going by the number of guests in attendance, the lively conversations, laughter and live fiddle music in the background, it was a rousing success.
The dinner was held at the Pocahontas County Opera House where everything was decorated with festive fall accents.
Local cooks contributed delicious homemade soups, bread and desserts, and, of course, fresh apple cider was flowing.
Local musicians took turns entertaining the diners, and a silent auction of some very interesting baskets and other items beckoned bidders to raise the ante – all for a good cause.
The fundraising event – the purpose of which was to raise money for the Family Resource Network’s food pantry – was spearheaded by Cynthia Gurreri, president of the Pocahontas County Arts Council.
It involved a year’s worth of planning and preparation. Diana Nelson’s art students at Pocahontas County High School, and members of the Arts Council fashioned ceramic bowls, decorated and fired them so that each person who attended the dinner not only got a hearty meal on a chilly fall evening, but took home a beautiful handmade bowl of their choice.
“It’s wonderful to see the Opera House full of families having fun and our community pulling together to benefit those among us who are in need,” FRN Director Laura Young said.
Countless members of the community volunteered to make the evening a success. And what a success it was – raising $3,825 for a very worthy cause.
The FRN Board would like to thank the community for its generosity.
Green Bank Elementary-Middle School art teacher and accomplished potter Alison Flegel is working on an “Empty Mugs” project for a second Empty Bowls event of the season to benefit the FRN food pantry and back pack program.
The event will be held at the Green Bank Elementary-Middle School, Wednesday, November 14, at 6 p.m. Same menu – soup, bread and desserts – only the venue and vessels will change.