Laura Dean Bennett
Staff Writer
Many folks in the county recognize Brian Skidmore. He’s been delivering UPS packages in Pocahontas County since October 2006.
He estimates that he’s driven more than a million miles for UPS, with his route here taking him from the Slaty Fork Post Office into Marlinton, up to Beard Heights and out to Beaver Creek.
Skidmore is retiring as of November 30, but our last day to see him on the job will be this Friday, November 20.
His replacement has not yet been named.
Skidmore lives in Elkins with his wife, Kristie, and their dog, Benny. Benny is a Golden Doodle, and Skidmore carries a photo of him in his wallet, which he is quick to show to anyone who expresses interest. Skidmore says he’s looking forward to spending more time at home with the family – and that includes Benny.
“I’ll always value the friendship of my Pocahontas County customers,” Skidmore said.
“Folks have been good to me. I’ve met a lot of good people and made several friends.
“Their support and concern meant a lot, especially when I was sick,” he added.
Skidmore will take good memories of Pocahontas County with him into retirement.
He chuckles as he recalls one frosty December evening.
“One time, when I was finishing the route, and headed out of town, I was driving behind the end of the Christmas parade, and someone yelled out, ‘There’s the real Santa!’”
Cheerful in all types of weather, Brian Skidmore epitomized the UPS slogan – “What can Brown do for you?”
“It’s been a privilege to deliver to Pocahontas County,” he said. “Even though the weather was a challenge sometimes.”
All good things must come to an end, and we will miss this friendly guy, and we wish him the best in retirement.
“I’ll miss my customers, and I’ll try to visit,” Skidmore said, as he waved and climbed up into the cab of the familiar brown truck.