Tritapoe named new board member
After serving as interim superintendent of schools for five months, Dr. Donald Bechtel was officially hired as superintendent at the board of education meeting Monday night.
The board hired Bechtel to complete the school year and signed a one year contract with him for the next school year.
Once Bechtel took his place as superintendent, it was time to name a new board member to fill the seat vacated by Kenneth Vance.
The board interviewed three candidates and selected Steve Tritapoe for the post.
Tritapoe thanked the board for the opportunity.
“If anybody has any questions, feel free to ask and I’ll do my best,” he said. “If I don’t know the answer, I’ll get it for you.”
Because Vance’s term had not expired, a special filing period for the November 4 election will be held August 4 through 19. Residents in the northern district and southern district may file for the seat at that time.
In financial management, the board approved the following:
• Payment of vendor listings of claims in the amounts of $17,917.19, $23, 822.07 and $36,879.13.
• Grant Awards and Budget Journal Entry.
In miscellaneous management, the board approved the following:
• ACA Resolution.
• Marlinton Elementary School Parent Teacher Organization to purchase a large Bounce House Combo at the price of $3,210. The property will be added to the board of education insurance at a cost of $1 to $2 per year. No additional cost to liability insurance.
• For nine students and six chaperones to travel by bus to Pittsburgh International Airport, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, to travel to Costa Rica, departing on April 9 and returning April 17. Students will be absent from school on April 9 and 10.
• Appoint Janet E. McNeel as Pocahontas County board of education representative on the Regional Education Service Agency IV Regional Council.
In personnel management, the board approved the following:
• Purchase of planning time Maria McCoy Curcio, teacher of multi-subjects/tea-cher of special education at Hillsboro Elementary School, purchase of 45 minute planning period, as needed, retroactive to February 25, for the remainder of the 2013-2014 school year.
• Change in contract term Ruth A. Bland, director of special education/student support services/transportation/technology coordinator for Pocahontas County Schools, from a contract term of 240 days per fiscal year to a contract term of 261 days per fiscal year, effective March 18, for the remainder of the 2013-2014 fiscal year.
• Consent to change Terrence C. Beam, associate superintendent/director of federal/instructional programs for Pocahontas County Schools, from a contract term of 240 days per fiscal year to a contract term of 261 days per fiscal year, effective March 18, for the remainder of the 2013-2014 school year.
The next board meeting will be Monday, April 7, at 7 p.m. in the board of education conference room.
Suzanne Stewart may be contacted at sastewart@pocahontastimes.com